Monthly Archives: August 2007

How Dare They?

Freedom’s Watch has produced a series of television commercials supporting our efforts in Iraq, and urging Congress not to pull the plug on our troops. You can watch them here; this is a sample: The ads are good, with a simple message that the war in Iraq is important, and there is no acceptable substitute for success. They will be, I hope, a useful antidote to the far larger number »


I’ve been on vacation in the North Woods for a week, and almost completely out of touch. In the past, we’ve had a pretty good internet connection in the same place, but this year the satellite link was disrupted by weather (or something) and I wasn’t able to keep up on the news, let alone post. So it was a real vacation. Paul was on vacation this week, too, at »

Sightings of Sammy

In response to “What made Sammy run?,” Power Line readers continue to forward their recollections of encounters with Sammy Davis. Reader Jud Walker initially responded with “The staging of The Hug.” Now Brian Adams writes: I worked on stage behind Sammy Davis, Jr. (and many others) as a trombonist in the Reno/Tahoe showrooms from 1974 to 1988. I was a mere 19 years old when I first played Sammy’s show, »

Schmoozing with terrorists

The United States has long invested in the training of Palestinian Authority “security forces.” The problem, of course, is that the Palestinian Authority is divided between two terrorist organizations. The United States supports Fatah, which to my knowledge has never lifted a finger to eliminate its terrorist infrastructure. Reporting from Ramallah earlier this week, Aaron Klein updates a disgusting story: “Fatah militant: U.S. training was key to intifada’s success.” Klein »

D’Souza makes it up (with update)

Dinesh D’Souza’s The Enemy At Home is something worse than a bad book. It’s a rotten book. I took a whack at it in the New Criterion essay “D’Souza goes native,” and in posts here including “D’Souza’s dishonesty,” and and “D’Souza’s soulmate.” Perhaps no one has criticized the book more harshly than Victor Davis Hanson. In “The mind of Mr. D’Souza”, replying to D’Souza’s four-day NRO apologia responding to his »

Reflections on the Iraq front

As a Republican Senator from Minnesota from 1978-1991, my friend Rudy Boschwitz was a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In 2005 he was the American ambassador to the UN »

Quote of the week

Putting President Bush’s VFW speech to one side, the quote of the week comes from Nathan Koppel’s Wall Street Journal article (subscribers only) on the rising hourly rates for attorneys in private practice. The article quotes an unnamed partner at an unnamed New York law firm on the hesitancy of the big New York firms to raise their rates above the mid-to-high $900 range: “We have viewed $1,000 an hour »

“Michael Vick is innocent (like OJ)”

MSNBC’s Alex Johnson (with the assistance of two NBC/MSNBC reporters) recently posted a story addressing whether the prosecution of Michael Vick was racist. Roughly a fourth of the MSNBC story was based on a quote from Al Sharpton’s Blog. Or as Koshlan Mayer-Blackwell explains: The quote was actually from our Newsgroper site’s fake Al Sharpton Blog. They thought Al really said this: “If the police caught Brett Favre (a white »

The news that doesn’t fit

Seven Iraq war vets and members of Vets for Freedom respond to the New York Times Seven, of the 82nd Airborne, whose op-ed column appeared in the paper this past Sunday. They respond in a terrific column for the Standard. Among the seven co-authors of the Standard column is our friend (and Minnesota native) Pete Hegseth. The column concludes: We understand the frustration our fellow soldiers feel. All of us »

Extending the Vietnam analogy

Council on Foreign Relations senior fellow Max Boot finds that President Bush left the Vietnam analogy in his speech to the VFW this past Wednesday incomplete. Boot notes, however, that the president himself observed: “The tragedy of Vietnam is too large to be contained in one speech.” So Boot offers the president “some other parallels he might invoke” in the event that he returns to the subject »

The wages of Chaitred

Reader Dave Clemens writes: I’m a ’60s liberal academic, registered Independent voter, consumed with anger that the New Republic has forced me to cancel my decades-long subscription. The sublime film criticism of Stanley Kauffmann, Jed Perl’s art criticism, numberless fine book reviews and poems, and intelligent political commentary — gone with the wind. I endured the Glass Affair, winced through Chait’s juvenile “I hate Bush because he reminds me of »

Killing fields then and now

This past March the Times (London) gave away a DVD of “The Killing Fields” to readers. It called on William Shawcross to comment on the film and published his column “Remember: For Cambodia, read Iraq.” Shawcross referred to his own experience researching the events depicted in the film: At the end of 1975 I went to the Thai-Cambodian border to talk to refugees. Their horrific stories of people with glasses »

Chaitred revisited, part 3

A reader writes this morning: I just wanted to thank you for helping to keep the TNR/Beauchamp debacle alive. I am the mother of a soldier serving in Iraq. While I never believed for a minute that Beauchamp’s fables were typical behavior of U.S. soldiers in Iraq, I was keenly aware that there is a large population of people who do believe this, want to keep believing it and want »

Footnotes on the president’s speech

Last night I was unable to identify the column referrred to by President Bush in this passage of his VFW speech yesterday: Recently, two men who were on the opposite sides of the debate over the Vietnam War came together to write an article. One was a member of President Nixon’s foreign policy team, and the other was a fierce critic of the Nixon administration’s policies. Together they wrote that »

The return of Walt and Mearsheimer

On September 4 the book version of Professors Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer’s pseudoscholarly “Israel Lobby” essay will be published. Last week the New York Times previewed their return. According to the article, “anxieties have surfaced about the backlash it is stirring.” Whose anxieties have surfaced? The articles doesn’t say, but it seems to be those of Walt and Mearsheimer. Those “anxieties,” however, are part of Walt and Mearsheimer’s marketing »

Chaitred revisited, part 2

In his column attacking Bill Kristol, New Republic senior editor Jonathan Chait acknowledges that “legitimate questions” have been raised about veracity of the Baghdad fabulist’s “Shock Troops” column. He doesn’t mention the questions raised about the Baghdad fabulist’s other New Republic columns. Chait also refers to the “continuing efforts” of “the editors” to get answers to those questions. Neither Chait nor “the editors” seem to realize the issue of institutional »

No more Vietnams

If John were not on vacation, he would undoubtedly point out that President Bush gave another excellent speech on the war in which we are engaged, this time to the Veterans of Foreign Wars today. I don’t necessarily agree with everything he said, but he certainly sees the big picture clearly. Here he addresses the Vietnam War in the context of our current challenges: The tragedy of Vietnam is too »