Monthly Archives: January 2008

Less than straight talk

When I traveled with John McCain in November, I found him quite gracious »

A “Story That Speaks For Itself”

That’s how the New York Times’ Public Editor, Clark Hoyt, describes his paper’s multi-part series on homicides allegedly committed by veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. But what, exactly, does the story say? That’s the rub, as the Times reporters–who, Hoyt reveals, worked for eight months on the series–plainly intended to create the impression that combat duty has so traumatized our military personnel that they are engaged in a »

More Mush From the Huck

This morning on Fox News Sunday, Mike Huckabee sucked up to John McCain while bashing Mitt Romney. Asked to comment on the dispute between McCain and Romney as to whether Romney had called for a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq, Huckabee sided squarely with McCain: »

Turn on Your Love Light

Bobby “Blue” Bland is one of the greatest living practitioners of soul music and today is his birthday. He was born on January 27, 1930, in a little town called Rosemark just outside of Memphis. Wanting more for her son than Rosemark had to offer, Bland’s mother moved to Memphis in 1947. There Bland started singing in a group that came to call itself the Beale Streeters. Its members at »

Terror Arrests in Barcelona

Fourteen men, 12 Pakistanis and two Indians, have been charged in Barcelona with participating in a plot to blow up transportation facilities across Europe: The group intended to carry out three attacks in Spain and one each in Portugal, France and Germany, an unnamed man who infiltrated the group told top-selling daily El Pais. The preferred targets were public transportation networks, especially metro systems because of the difficulty which emergency »

Latest Rasmussen Survey Has Romney Ahead in Florida

Rasmussen now has Mitt Romney leading John McCain in Florida 33% to 27%. The poll was conducted yesterday afternoon, just before Governor Crist announced his endorsement of McCain. We could be in for a photo finish. »

Condi does Davos

Jay Nordlinger has made his annual pilgrimage to the World Economic Forum in Davos and begun filing his on-the-scene reports. In part 2, Jay quotes extensively from Secretary Rice’s well-received speech. The speech is available in its entirety here both in text and video. Jay quotes extensively from the speech, pausing only to provide his mostly approving comments, with the occasional arched eyebrow. And there are good things in the »

Banned in Afghanistan

In November we hosted a preview screening of “The KIte Runner.” I wrote about the film here, mostly expressing my regard for the powerful story told in the film. I was disappointed to read earlier this month that the film had been banned in Afghanistan. At Pajamas Media, Josh Strawn reflects on the film’s banning in “The Kite Runner won’t fly in Afghanistan.” I’m sure that Strawn’s commentary is far »

“I’m Not Like Everybody Else”

Star Tribune metro columnist Katherin Kersten devotes today’s informative column to the student fee-supported offshoot of the University of Minnesota’s Queer Student Cultural Center that goes under the name Kinky U. Kathy reports: Kinky U aims to reach out to groups still not fully embraced (so to speak) by the university community. It’s “a social and discussion group” for those interested in “all forms of kink, including roleplaying, leather, BDSM »

Just Another Race Hustler?

The crowd at Obama’s victory party tonight chanted, “Race doesn’t matter!” That’s a bit disingenuous, since Obama won over 80% of the African-American vote in South Carolina, and only around a quarter of the white vote. So race was obviously a decisive factor. No doubt that’s what CNN meant when it headlined, “Exit polls: Obama won across demographic lines”. Still, the sentiment is a good one, even if it doesn’t »

Bad News From South Carolina

Barack Obama got a big win tonight, but what is most striking is how many votes were cast in today’s Democratic primary. South Carolina has been a reliably red state, but compare the vote totals in the two parties’ primaries. Obama almost exactly doubled John McCain’s total in the Republican primary last week, and Hillary Clinton nearly equalled it. Overall, around 90,000 more votes were cast in the Democratic primary »

Florida governor endorses McCain

A few minutes ago, Florida’s governor Charles Crist endorsed John McCain. The Florida primary has been truly too close to call until now, but I’ve got to believe it has just swung in McCain’s favor. The following statement contains a number of assumptions, but I think Crist’s endorsement may prove to be the worst development of the day for Hillary Clinton. »

Obama in a rout

It looks like Barack Obama will rout Hillary Clinton in the South Carolina primary. AP has already called the race based on exit polls. These polls indicated that African-American voters, who made up about half of this electorate, favored Obana by a 4-1 ratio. Those are tough odds. So Clinton and Obama have split the first four contested races. But things are going to be quite challenging for Obama from »

Did he or didn’t he?

John McCain has accused Mitt Romney of having “wanted to set a date for withdrawal [from Iraq] that would have meant disaster.” McCain apparently is referring to a statement Romney made last April in which he assumed President Bush and the head of the Iraqi government might discuss timetables and troop levels in Iraq. I don’t think Romney’s statement fairly can be construed as advocating setting a date for our »

More on Malley

Last night, in a piece about Barack Obama’s association with anti-Israeli, and in one case pro-jihadist, figures, I mentioned that Robert Malley is one of Obama’s foreign policy advisers. I knew that Malley has peddled the lie that Camp David failed to produce an agreement because Israel wasn’t serious about giving the Palestinians a state. However, I did not realize the full extent to which Malley has shilled for Arafat »

It’s the economy, stupid — sort of

With the economy looming as such an important issue in the election (as it usually is), pundits like to look at poll data about which candidate would likely “handle” the economy the best. When this is done in early primary states, they typically find that the winner of a given primary is trusted more on economic issues by the voters in that primary than his or her rivals. Thus, New »

A Reason to Vote for Hillary

Robert Novak says Barack Obama is putting out the word that if he is elected, he will appoint John Edwards as Attorney General. Obama’s motive, presumably, is to secure Edwards’ eventual support in his race against Hillary Clinton. The thought of John Edwards as Attorney General is appalling. Democrats liked to claim that former Texas Supreme Court Justice Alberto Gonzales “politicized” the Justice Department. The allegation was silly; I don’t »