Monthly Archives: July 2013

The Hinderaker-Ward Experience, Episode 51: The Savior Podcasters, With Victor Davis Hanson

Featured image Brian Ward and I recorded Episode 51 of the Hinderaker-Ward Experience this morning. Topics include: Detroit’s bankruptcy, and why it is the GOP’s fault, despite the city’s having no Republican officeholders for half a century; the sequelae to the George Zimmerman trial, including Juror B29, and why juror remorse is not unusual; the return of Anthony Weiner, and what is the deal, anyway, with his wife? And, of course, the »

Gone listening

Featured image This evening we are off to Amsterdam to join the NR cruise of the Norwegian fjords with NR’s team of all-star speakers. The cruise departs from Amsterdam on August 1. We’ll be looking around town in the meantime. Included among the advertised speakers on the NR cruise are some of my favorite writers. I’m thinking of the pseudonymous Theodore Dalrypmple, traveling under his given name of Anthony Daniels, NR’s own »

About Those Phony Scandals…

Featured image Remember when bumper stickers said, “No one died at the Watergate”? Or something like that. One can debate how major a scandal Watergate was, but I don’t really understand how anyone can try to minimize the significance of the Obama administration scandals, let alone allege that they are all “phony,” as Obama did. Michael Ramirez comments: »

The Week in Pictures: Royal Weiner Edition

Featured image I really wanted to label this week’s image roundup after George Alexander Louis, the newest Windsor, but quite obviously the most royal dick in politics trumps everything this week.  Besides, I can’t get a modified version of the old Oscar Meyer ad jingle out of my head: Oh I wish I were an Anthony Weiner, That is what I’d truly like to be-e-e, For if I were an Anthony Weiner, »

Highs and Lows in Today’s News

Featured image The news is coming at us so fast these days that we can’t keep up. The Obama administration’s attacks on America, apart from anything else, are too numerous and too constant to rebut. I do have some more substantial posts in mind for the next couple of days, but didn’t get to them tonight because we spent the evening watching a fight card in Minneapolis. So here is a quickie: »

The Democrats just can’t seem to take America’s side

Featured image Let’s see. The current Democratic standard-bearer (and U.S. president) believes that Ho Chi Minh was inspired by America’s founding fathers and, apparently, that Harry Truman should have cooperated with the mass murdering Vietnamese Communist. The previous Democratic standard-bearer, John Kerry, considered the U.S. troops who fought against Ho Chi Minh’s forces to be like “the Army of Genghis Khan.” Kerry is now our Secretary of State. It almost makes you »

Richard Thompson Ford: An expert who…

Featured image Richard Thompson Ford is a Stanford University Law School professor who does not struggle with issues of self-esteem. He somewhat immodestly fancies himself “[a]n expert on civil rights and antidiscrimination law [who] has distinguished himself as an insightful voice and compelling writer on questions of race and multiculturalism.” I have it on good authority that Ford is probably the only person who has ever described himself as such. Not surprisingly, »

Quantum Conservatism?

Featured image So the big story on the right today is that Gov. Chris Christie has leveled a blast at libertarians, in particular his potential 2016 primary rival Sen. Rand Paul: “This strain of libertarianism that’s going through both parties right now and making big headlines I think is a very dangerous thought. … You can name any number of people and he’s [Rand Paul] one of them,” Christie said at a panel »

Barack Obama, duped by the Communists?

Featured image President Obama was probably too young ever to have chanted, “Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh, NLF is going to win.” But somewhere along the way he picked up that late 1960s pro-Communist Vietnam spirit. Yesterday, talking with reporters alongside Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang, Obama said, that he and Sang “discussed the fact that Ho Chi Minh was actually inspired by the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and the »

Are these judges really necessary, except to promote Obama’s power play?

Featured image I’ve written here, here, and here about Cornelia Pillard, President Obama’s radical feminist nominee for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. But I haven’t yet commented on the threshold question of whether any additional judges should be seated on the D.C. Circuit. This was a topic of much debate at Wednesday’s hearing on the Pillard nomination. Both sides — the Democrats who want three new judges »

Green Weenie of the Week: A Guy Named Rush

Featured image Nope, nice try—it’s not the “Rush” you thought of.  It’s New Jersey congressman and U.S. Senate hopeful Rush Holt, a Ph.D physicist he’ll tell you (making him another Obama-era Chu-toy), who has taken out a YouTube ad to tell us that “millions will die” unless . . . we pass a carbon tax. Seriously? Without a single trace of irony, Holt harrumphs against “dumping gases into the atmosphere.”   The greater »

The Times Doesn’t Read Its Own Corrections, Makes the Same Mistake Again

Featured image Earlier this month, we noted an embarrassing correction in the New York Times: A map on June 22 with the Mount Airy Journal article, about efforts in that North Carolina town to transform it into Mayberry, the fictional town created by Mount Airy’s native son, Andy Griffith, labeled incorrectly the state to the immediate west of Virginia. It is Kentucky, not West Virginia. U.S. geography? Hey, that’s a tough subject, »

U.K. to Illegal Immigrants: Go Home Or Face Arrest

Featured image The British government has introduced a series of programs intended to reduce illegal immigration. One of them involves mobile billboards which are cruising around six London districts, telling illegals to “go home or face arrest.” They also give data on how many illegals have been apprehended in the neighborhood, and a number where illegals can get help in returning home: This sort of measure exposes the divide in how people »

Sexting while Hispanic

Featured image New York’s silly season just got sillier. One of Weiner’s opponents in the mayoral race has demanded that Weiner apologize to Hispanics for using the name Carlos Danger in his obscene texts. Rev. Erick Salgado complained that “for Anthony Weiner to hide under a Spanish name to do his bad behavior is very insulting to the Spanish community.” He added: I believe he have to apologize to the Latino community. »

An IRS scandal footnote

Featured image Peggy Noonan returns to the multifarious IRS scandals in her Wall Street Journal column “Fortress IRS” (behind the WSJ subscription paywall, but accessible via Google). Here is her summary of the story to date: The scandals that have so damaged the agency took place in just the past few years, since the current administration began. And it is not Republicans on the Hill or conservatives in the press who have »

A false charge of “phony” scandals

Featured image In his soporific Galesburg speech earlier this week, President Obama criticized attention to the scandals that seem to have something to do with his administration. He asserted that the scandals are “phony.” He wasn’t naming names or getting specific, but I’m pretty sure he included Benghazigate and the IRS targeting of conservative groups. Obama brought all his characteristic eloquence to bear: “With an endless parade of distractions, political posturing and »

Will Texas be “bailed in”?

Featured image The Justice Department is planning to institute legal action in a string of voting rights cases across the nation. As part of this campaign, Eric Holder says the government will ask a federal court in Texas to “subject the State of Texas to a preclearance regime similar to the one required by Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.” But wait! The Supreme Court just ruled that the formula in »