Author Archives: John Hinderaker

This Will Be a Doozie of a Correction

Featured image I don’t really have much of a comment on this. I suppose it reflects the obsession with Donald Trump that has driven most of the traditional media off a cliff. But still, it is weird at best: Quite a mistake. — Byron York (@ByronYork) April 11, 2024 It will be interesting to see whether the Times’ correction tries to explain the error. It would be hard to explain without »

Abortion 2.0

Featured image The Biden re-election campaign should be dead in the water. Inflation is surging again, wokeness is deeply unpopular with most Americans, bills are beginning to come due for the Left’s “green” initiatives, and, most of all, Biden himself is so far gone in dementia as to be dysfunctional. How can he possibly win in November? By running on abortion. We saw it in many areas of the country in 2022. »

Sympathy For the Devil

Featured image Amnesty International, like the American Civil Liberties Union, is a once-good organization that was taken over by leftists and no longer stands for any worthwhile principles. Thus: Even by “human rights group” standards, this is scandalous. Does tell you what Amnesty et al. think of Jewish lives, though. Walid Daqqa led a PFLP cell that abducted a young IDF soldier, Moshe Tamam, in 1984, gouged his eyes out, castrated him, »

“The NHS is killing us”

Featured image Britain’s National Health Service is the great symbol of that nation’s leftward turn following World War II. Historically, it has enjoyed broad popularity, even as the quality of health care actually delivered has fallen lower and lower. But now, the NHS has reached such a crisis that a return to private health care seems inevitable if not imminent. In the Telegraph, Allison Pearson writes: “The NHS is killing us – »

Hurricanes Down

Featured image Nowadays, all unfortunate weather events–and even, in some quarters, earthquakes!–are blamed on “climate change.” Reporters who probably don’t know better often recite as a fact that extreme weather events have been increasing as a result of global warming. But it isn’t true. Actually, if anything weather has been getting more benign. Take hurricanes. John Shewchuk undertakes to explain the long-term trend toward less hurricane activity. I am not sure whether »

A Human Right To Be Cool

Featured image The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that Switzerland is liable to its citizens for its alleged failure to do enough about “climate change”: A group of 2,000 Swiss women have won a climate change case against Switzerland at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), in a ruling hailed as “monumental” by experts. The court agreed with the KlimaSeniorinnen, or Senior Women for Climate Protection, that the Swiss »

Total Eclipse of the Sun

Featured image The eclipse was a bust here in Minnesota. We were supposed to get around a 70% eclipse, but it was cloudy and the Sun never came out, all day. So, a moot point. One of my daughters lives in Texas and reports that the eclipse turned out to be rather cool there. But what can you really say, on a politics-oriented web site, about a purely scientific phenomenon? You can »

Is the Earth Round?

Featured image I thought that question was settled a long time ago. People have knows that the Earth is spherical (more or less) for millennia. The ancient Greeks not only knew it was round, they used triangulation to calculate its circumference to within a small margin of error. So, are there really still people who think the Earth is flat? Allegedly so. This video got a lot of circulation on social media. »

Truth and Consequences

Featured image This is from Britain’s Telegraph, but I think we would see similar numbers in other countries, and worse in some: Only one in four British Muslims believe that Hamas committed murder and rape in Israel on Oct 7, a major report has found. The numbers are even worse for “educated” Muslims: Younger and well-educated Muslims were the most likely to think Hamas did not commit atrocities on Oct 7, with »

The Coming Disinformation War

Featured image In the Wall Street Journal, Holman Jenkins reviews the dishonorable role that the intelligence community played in the 2016 and 2020 elections, and predicts more of the same. In 2016: A Democratic presidential campaign, representing the incumbent party, fabricated evidence that its Republican opponent and the eventual president-elect was a Russian agent, and the in-power party’s FBI legitimated the evidence in the eyes of the media so it would be »

The Peril of Being In a War Zone

Featured image Earlier this week, an Israeli air strike inadvertently killed seven aid workers in Gaza. The strike was a mistake for which at least two Israeli army officers have been cashiered. It was the occasion for world-wide calumny, including a demand by Joe Biden that the Israelis go along with Hamas’s demand for a cease-fie, i.e., a Hamas victory. But tragedies happen in a war zone–even this one, where Israel has »

Rampant Anti-Semitism, and the Democrats

Featured image On Thursday evening, a malevolent crowd at a public forum at Rutgers threatened Jewish students and drove the university’s president from the room. The Free Beacon reports: A Rutgers University town hall descended into anarchy Thursday evening as anti-Israel students chanted demands to “globalize the intifada”… “Globalize the intifada” means that no Jew should ever be able to live in safety, anywhere in the world. …hurled anti-Semitic insults at Jewish »

About That Jobs Report [Updated]

Featured image Many are hailing today’s establishment and household job reports, which show 300,000, or as many as 500,000, jobs being added in March. But Steve Moore points out in his Committee to Unleash Prosperity email that the picture is far from rosy: The new job numbers for March were strong with 300,000 jobs added in the establishment survey and 500,000 in the household survey. But those positive headline numbers camouflage a »

Reversible? Don’t Count On It

Featured image The “trans” industry’s assault on America’s youth includes persuading kids that they “really” are a boy rather than a girl, or vice versa. Sex change operations don’t come immediately; rather, the preferred sequence begins with puberty-blocking drugs. The rationale is that the effects of these drugs are reversible, so they merely buy time to allow the kid to sort out his or her “gender.” But are the effects of puberty-blocking »

A Woke Trifecta

Featured image This is one of the most niche headlines ever, a grand slam (to mix sports metaphors) of wokeness: I stay up nights worrying about this. — Dinesh D’Souza (@DineshDSouza) April 4, 2024 Because apparently it never rained in Indonesia until recently. The Left has become impossible to parody. STEVE adds—I dunno John. Seems like this headline from CBS News is a contender: »

Does Liberalism Work?

Featured image In my opinion, conservatism–i.e., freedom–is superior to liberalism–i.e., state power–on philosophical and moral grounds. But then there is the added argument that freedom, unlike socialism, actually works. We have seen this repeatedly: e.g., Jimmy Carter failed, while Ronald Reagan succeeded. Donald Trump (by no means a perfect exemplar of conservatism, but still, a sponsor of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act) succeeded, while Joe Biden failed. In recent years, we »

Harvard, Haven for Anti-Semites

Featured image Via InstaPundit, the Wall of Anti-Semitism at Harvard: Remember when Jews at Harvard had to bring in their menorah every night at Hanukkah because the school couldn’t guarantee it wouldn’t be vandalized? This “apartheid wall” is on display now at Harvard yard, complete with quotes from terrorists, guarded 24/7 by school security. — Yael Bar tur 🎗️ (@yaelbt) April 3, 2024 I can’t vouch for what she says about »