
Democrats For Mass Murder

Featured image My opinion of the Left is so low that I would have said I am impossible to disappoint. And yet…via InstaPundit, we see this, which can only be construed as an endorsement of Gaza’s sneak attack on Israel: A sitting member of Congress @RashidaTlaib flying the Palestine flag outside her office… Is she supporting the #HamasMassacre? — Gunther Eagleman™ (@GuntherEagleman) October 10, 2023 So at least one Democratic member »

Socialists Cheer Hamas Invasion

Featured image Around the world, groups of Muslims turned out to celebrate Hamas’s successful sneak attack on Israel. More surprisingly, perhaps, the New York chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America also demonstrated in Times Square in favor of the invasion. That would be the chapter to which Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez belongs. At least six members of the House of Representatives are also members of DSA: 🗣️🗣️🗣️ Tomorrow, October 8, at 1PM. Times »

New York Times, Home of Misinformation

Featured image Liberals love to talk about misinformation. They also love to disseminate it. A case in point is New York Times health and science reporter Apoorva Mandavilli. She grotesquely exaggerated the impact of covid on children, apparently for the purpose of supporting school shutdowns, one of the worst policy fiascos of modern times. And her claims were not, remotely, in the ballpark: Reporter who wrote in NYT that 900,000 children had »

Why Are Liberals Such Hypocrites? Because “The Rules Don’t Apply to Us”

Featured image Pointing out liberal hypocrisy, like the head of Chicago’s teachers union that sends her own child to a private school, or the private jet-hopping lifestyles of climate cultists like John Kerry, has become such a simple pastime that it is by now a bore. But once and a while one of the elite let the mask slip and offer the candid reason why they excuse themselves from the same standards »

Strong Men Lean Right?

Featured image I think most people intuitively think of physically strong, macho men–guys like Scott, Steve and me, for instance–as conservative. Of course, the stereotype doesn’t always hold true. But a recent study confirms that the stereotype does, indeed, exist: [C]onservative men are perceived as physically stronger than liberals, according to scientists. The University of Arkansas-led research carried out four experiments to investigate the link between political orientation and chiselled physiques. As »

U.N. Says: Build With Bamboo!

Featured image Has there ever been a time in world history when so much stupidity has been generated by a patently false ideology? Well, sure, socialism. But climate hysteria is making a run for it on the outside, now closing rapidly with socialism. The latest is the United Nations telling us to completely revamp how we construct buildings. Actually, its message is to stop building at all. So as to achieve “net »

Betsy’s Beach Encounter With a Liberal

Featured image I spend half the year on Cape Cod. As with most beach towns, once Labor Day rolls around, the summer crowds have left. Although some return on weekends throughout September and October, the two most beautiful months of the year on the Cape, during the week, the beaches are generally empty, especially at 7 a.m. As I do every morning, I took my dog Reggie for a beach walk. A »

If you’re indicted, you’re invited! Journalism Is Dead

Featured image As with every political party, there exists a broad spectrum in terms of extremity among Democrats, whose members range from the sane, such as Bill Maher and George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley, to the rabid, such as Fox News’ token liberal Juan Williams and the New York Times’ Frank Bruni.  Obviously, I am a creature of the Right, and perhaps I’ve become intolerant with age, but I can »

Wind Energy Will Never Be Affordable

Featured image There is a financial crisis in the wind industry. You can see it in headlines like Support for offshore wind sinks as costs soar, and The ill wind of offshore wind projects. At the Telegraph, Matt Ridley sums up the ineluctable reasons for the current crisis: The MPs who have forced Rishi Sunak into a U-turn on onshore wind power love to repeat the favourite slogan of the wind industry: »

A Neoconservative Is a Liberal Who Has Been Mugged

Featured image That formula goes back, I think, to the 1980s, and while “neoconservative” has taken on a different meaning, it still holds true. The latest case in point is Shivanthi Sathanandan, a vice chairwoman of Minnesota’s Democrat-Farmer-Labor party. Like most Democrats, Sathanandan was anti-police and pro-criminal. In June 2020, she wanted to “dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department”: But that all changed on Tuesday. Ms. Sathanandan was carjacked and viciously beaten: The »

Kids Have Stopped Going to School

Featured image Pretty much everyone now agrees that shutting down our schools during the covid epidemic, at the demand of teachers’ unions, was one of the most catastrophic policy decisions of modern times. As I have said before, it is unfortunate that some old and very sick people had their demises hastened by covid, but what government did to our children, for no good reason, was a crime. Having skipped school for »

The Penguins Are OK

Featured image First it was polar bears, now it is emperor penguins. Liberals love to select animals they can anthropomorphize and portray as threatened by “climate change.” Polar bears didn’t work out well for them, since their populations are at record levels. The penguins aren’t promising either, as biologist Susan Crockford explains: Despite the hype last week over the newly published paper by Peter Fretwell and colleagues, there is no plausible ecological »

Here We Go Again?

Featured image News reports indicate that a new variant of covid–now, basically the common cold–is in the air. Some people are alarmed. Driving to work this morning, I passed a young woman walking by herself, outdoors, no one within a block of her. She was wearing a mask. Are we about to enter a new era of shutdowns, masks and general hysteria? If governments try to impose such neo-fascist measures, will citizens »

“Poor Cat”

Featured image This video made me laugh. Riley Gaines munches on breakfast cereal with a deadpan expression while watching a lib’s self-absorbed TikTok video. The funny thing, as Riley notes, is that TikTok banned the video even though Riley does not utter a single word. Her only commentary is “poor cat,” which you will understand if you watch the lib woman’s litany: This video just got removed from my tik tok for »

How Crazy Are Liberals?

Featured image We get a pretty good volume of hate mail from several directions. Sometimes we get threats, occasionally death threats. A couple of years ago, a guy emailed me to say that he was going to bring a gun to my office and murder me. I reported him to the local police, and also brought a gun of my own to the office for a week or two, just in case. »

Blue Cities: Getting It Good and Hard

Featured image Why does anyone still live in San Francisco? Why would any group hold a convention or similar event there? Why would a tourist set foot there? That city has been so badly governed for so long that the question is no longer whether it will thrive, but rather, whether it will survive. Many San Francisco businesses have closed their doors, while others are barely hanging on. Gump’s is an upscale »

The Left Is Awash In Money

Featured image There is vastly more money on the Left than the Right. You can see this across the country, but Minnesota provides a useful case study. It was the topic of Episode 2 of the American Experiment podcast. In the 2022 election cycle, if you add up all of the various sources of money as best public records allow, the Democrats and their supporters spent two to three times as much »