Search Results for: Dolezal

Dolezal Doubles Down on Crazy

Featured image I thought we had pretty much covered the entire waterfront on the Rachel Dolezal fraud last month, but who knew that she’d show up for an encore, granting an interview to a clearly skeptical (but in this case how appropriately named) Vanity Fair magazine. VF writer Allison Samuels clearly doesn’t have much sympathy for Dolezal’s presumptions, and lets Dolezal double down with her delusions: There have been women over the »

Rachel Dolezal: The Silver Lining

Featured image A reader writes, expanding on a point that I made here: Maybe there is a silver lining to the Rachel Dolezal / Sen. Elizabeth Warren race frauds. If racial identity and gender identity have become matters of personal preference, i.e., how you choose to identify yourself is how the world should treat you, then the entire race-based / gender-based affirmative action apparatus could be brought to its knees. Suppose all »

Hunt vs. Dolezal (Updated)

Featured image In my “Who Turned the Crazy Machine Up to 11” post last Friday, I noted the breaking stories of Rachel Dolezal, the race-hustling Social Justice Warrior of Spokane, and Tim Hunt, the University of London Nobel Prize winning biologist, who told a bad joke of why he doesn’t like women in scientific labs.  Hunt has lost his job over making his bad joke, as though he was a member of »

The Week in Pictures: Special Dolezal Bonus Edition!

Featured image If The Daily Show isn’t working up a total smashup segment on the Dolezal scandal then Jon Stewart ought not to show up for work Monday. In the meantime, the Internet meme generators are doing Stewart’s work for him, though these pics came in too late to make the main “Week in Pictures” feature this morning. »

The case of Rachel Dolezal: strange but not surprising

Featured image Our flourishing national conversation about race gains additional fuel. Rachel Dolezal, the “black” president of an NAACP chapter is revealed to be white. President Obama should weigh in. He is, after all, our explainer-in-chief when it comes to race. I’d also like to hear from Eric Holder. Or is he part of the “nation of cowards” when it comes to discussing race? The story of a white “passing” as a »

The Strange Case of Rachel Dolezal

Featured image What to make of Rachel Dolezal, the “trans-racial” woman in Washington state who not only posed as a black person, but made a career out of it? The facts relating to Ms. Dolezal are summed up well by Ben Shapiro: Rachel Dolezal is president of the Spokane, Washington chapter of the NAACP. For years, she has passed herself off as black. Now her parents have told the press that she »

This Week in Cancel Culture

Featured image It has been suggested that “cancel culture” won’t end until it comes for enough liberals, though I am doubtful. In any case, it is bemusing to see that the latest victim of cancel culture is the aggressively atheist and hyper-Darwinian Richard Dawkins, who has had his “Humanist of the Year Award” from 1996 rescinded by the American Humanist Association. Why, you ask? Here’s the AHA statement: Regrettably, Richard Dawkins has »

NYT: Covering the Elites, Or Covering *for* the Elites?

Featured image Whatever else might have once been said about liberal bias at the New York Times, at least you could say that they covered the elites. What else can you say about their wedding announcements section, which, as I think David Brooks once joked, reads more like a mergers and acquisitions page, since the couples spotlighted are invariably ivy league uber-overclass climbers. But now it seems the Times mission is to »

Hilaria Gets Married

Featured image The Hilaria Baldwin story gets funnier and funnier. Scott wrote about it here. Briefly, “Hilaria” Baldwin, social media star and wife of the anti-Trump actor and activist Alec Baldwin, has been impersonating a Spanish immigrant for many years. In fact, her name is Hillary Hayward-Thomas, and she is from Boston. Her father was a Boston lawyer and her mother was an internist at Massachusetts General Hospital and, I believe, on »

The Latest in Leftist Fakery

Featured image We’re reported here previously on the case of George Washington University history professor Jessica Krug, who was forced to resign her tenured position when she was exposed for claiming to be black when she is, and has always been, white. For this she was awarded our brand new Rachel Dolezal Award for Race Fakery. Looks like we’re going to have to order more award statues from Chy-na because more such »

End White Leftist Privilege Now!

Featured image I’m starting to think that the left might be partially right with this whole “white privilege” thing. After all, we can see from a lot of videos that a large portion—the majority in some cases—of Black Lives Matter protests consist mainly of white people. No wonder no one is getting arrested or charged. It is time to end this white privilege from criminal prosecution now. And if the left is »

Fauxcahontas Struggles

Featured image Check out this short video of Elizabeth Warren answering questions about her alleged Native American heritage on the Breakfast Club radio show. Zinger: “You sound like the original Rachel Dolezal a little bit.” Watch @cthagod grill @ewarren on her heritage. "When did you find out that you weren't [Native American]?" "Were there any benefits to that?" "You sound like the original Rachel Dolezal a little bit" @breakfastclubam — Sarah »

Thoughts from the ammo line

Featured image Ammo Grrrll provides instructions along with her DIY HATE CRIME KIT: It has come to my attention that my book sales — robust though they be — will simply not guarantee a comfortable retirement and I need to expand my product line. What could be more timely or fill a better market niche in the current Hair Permanently On Fire Oppression Olympics than a Jussie Smollett Commemorative All-Purpose Do It »

The Week in Pictures: Liberalism Suicide Watch Edition

Featured image Malcolm Muggeridge wrote 40 years ago of “the great liberal death wish,” and today’s Democratic Party seems to have finally assimilated this impulse to the full. Why stop with abolishing ICE? Why not just call for abolishing every constraint on the will of the left, like the rule of law itself? After all, lots of law schools directly teach the leftist theory that “law” is just a tool of white »

Leftist Fraud All the Way Down

Featured image Hoo boy, it’s been almost three years since last we checked in on the total fraud of Rachel Dolezal, the white woman who pretended to be black in Spokane, Washington, parlaying her ethnic identity theft into the presidency of the local chapter of the NAACP. I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised that someone who could insist on such complete fraudulence as Dolezal would limit her fraud to just her ethnic »

The Week in Pictures: Chainsaw Bayonet Edition

Featured image John has already clobbered USA Today for its greatest banana-peel slip ever—the “chainsaw bayonet” graphic for an AR-15. And USA Today wonders why people think it is a purveyor of fake news. They’d do better if they just stuck to trivializing the news. Meanwhile, tax cuts are back! How can you tell? Because liberals are complaining about the idea that people might get to keep more of their own money. »

Civil War on the Left, Part 39: Exposing the Racket

Featured image We noted here a few weeks ago the ruckus over the Rhodes College feminist philosopher Rebecca Tuvel, who foolishly thought that the same logic that applied to gender identity (namely that you pick your own) should apply equally to racial identity. Why not? We’re sometimes told from the identity politics left that race is a social construct, too, except when we’re told it isn’t. Left unexplored was exactly why Tuvel’s »