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Search Results for: durbin
GOP Senators hammer Gupta, Durbin cuts off discussion
The Senate Judiciary Committee took up the nomination of Vanita Gupta today. She is Joe Biden’s nominee to be Associate Attorney General. You can watch the meeting at this link. The Committee was evenly divided on Gupta’s nomination. All Democratic Senators voted in her favor. All Republican Senators voted against her. I want to call attention to two of the presentations in which Republican Senators explained their opposition. The first »
Dick Durbin’s not so beautiful mind
In a post below, I complained about how, instead of questioning Amy Coney Barrett, Senators are using her as a prop while they make speeches. Not surprisingly, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, a world class grandstander, was the biggest culprit during three hours or so of the hearing that I watched. Sen. Dick Durbin did a fair amount of speechifying, too. Much of it was directed, not at the issue of whether »
The not so honorable Dick Durbin
Today, Chuck Schumer tweeted this about his comrade-in-arms, Dick Durbin: To impugn @SenatorDurbin’s integrity is disgraceful. Whether you agree with him on the issues or not, he is one of the most honorable members of the Senate. Actually, Durbin is one of the slimiest members of the Senate. And that covers lots of territory. In light of the current controversy over what President Trump may or may not have said »
Dick Durbin plays dumb on Dreamers
When President Trump put an end to the illegal DACA program, he placed in jeopardy (though not immediately) approximately 780,000 illegal immigrants who had relied on the program to obtain lawful status. At the same time, Trump signaled that he wants Congress permanently to remove these individuals from jeopardy by passing legislation granting them the status they enjoy under DACA. Given the illegality of DACA, such legislation is, in fact, »
The real war on women (and speech): Dick Durbin edition
According to an analysis conducted by Andrew Stiles for the Washington Free Beacon, women in the office of Senator Dick Durbin make 77 cents to each dollar earned by men. Using the sophisticated logic employed by the White House and other Democrats such as Durbin, this shows that Durbin himself is guilty of waging a war on women. Americas PAC has had the temerity to point this out in radio »
Dumb Dick Durbin Demagogues Hobby Lobby
We have speculated from time to time on whether Dick Durbin is the dumbest Democrat of them all. It is a hotly contested title, but he is definitely a contender. Most recently, Durbin has been discoursing on the Hobby Lobby decision. At NRO’s Bench Memos, Ed Whelan takes him apart: Democratic senator Richard Durbin contends that the Hobby Lobby ruling violates the “fundamental premise” of Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), which »
Durbin makes stuff up
I devoted a ten-part series to the proposition than Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin is worse than stupid. In Washington, that places him in a crowd, but he is something special. His name isn’t Biggus Dickus, but it should be. He is the biggest Dick in Washington. Most recently, Durbin alleged that a Republican leader told President Obama to his face in a meeting during the shutdown: “I cannot even »
Dick Durbin: Worse than stupid, part 10
We commenced this series and pursued its theme to draw attention to Senator Dick Durbin’s letter to 300 supporters of the American Legislative Exchange Council. A copy of one such letter (to our friends at the Center of the American Experiment in Minneapolis) is posted online here. The letter is a none too subtle instrument of intimidation in the Democrats’ misuse of the Zimmerman case for ulterior political purposes. The »
Dick Durbin: Worse than stupid, part 9
The Wall Street Journal’s Stephen Moore took up Dick Durbin’s campaign against ALEC last week in “ALEC strikes back.” Moore reported from ALEC’s convention in Chicago last week that Durbin’s letter to ALEC’s supporters “was all anyone was talking about.” Moore provides an optimistic take on the upshot: “I really think the letter backfired,” says Jonathan Williams, an ALEC task force director. “It fired up a lot of our members.” »
Dick Durbin: Worse than stupid, part 8
On Friday the Washington Times published an editorial addressing Dick Durbin’s campaign of intimidation against ALEC and its supporters. We have featured Durbin’s campaign in several parts of this series; it represents a shocking abuse of his office. Durbin speaks up defending his behavior in a (patently false) Chicago Tribune column that Roll Call quotes here. Yesterday we excerpted Professor Bradley Smith’s concise condemnation of Durbin’s campaign. Here is Friday’s »
Dick Durbin: Worse than stupid, part 7
Bradley A. Smith holds the Josiah H. Blackmore II/Shirley M. Nault Designated Professor of Law position at Capital University Law School and Visiting Judge John T. Copenhaver, Jr. Chair of Law at West Virginia University College of Law. A 2010 recipient of the Bradley Prize, he is one of the nation’s leading authorities on election law and campaign finance. In 2000, he was nominated by President Clinton to fill a »
Dick Durbin: Worse than stupid, part 6
When the IRS targeting of conservative groups first saw the light of day this spring, Dick Durbin intoned: “It is absolutely unacceptable to single out any political group — right, left or center — and say we’re going to target them. That is unthinkable. That goes back to some of the worst days of the Richard Nixon administration.” (Durbin could teach Uriah Heep a thing or two about false sincerity.) »
Dick Durbin: Worse than stupid, part 5
In a New York Post column last month, Glenn Reynolds responds to Senator Dick Durbin’s column in the Chicago Sun-Times. Thus spake Durbin: “Everyone, regardless of the mode of expression, has a constitutionally protected right to free speech. But when it comes to freedom of the press, I believe we must define a journalist and the constitutional and statutory protections those journalists should receive.” Durbin opines: “A journalist gathers information »
Dick Durbin: Worse than stupid, part 4
John Hinderaker is past chairman of the Center of the American Experiment, Minnesota’s voice of sanity. I am a past member of the board. The Center is a nonpartisan, tax-exempt, public policy and educational institution that brings conservative and free market ideas to bear on the hardest problems facing Minnesota and the nation. To borrow the immortal words of Daniel Webster in the Dartmouth College case, it is a small »
Dick Durbin: Worse than stupid, part 3
In this installment of our series featuring the distasteful Dick, I yield the floor to Richard Epstein. Epstein lucidly explores Durbin’s destructive foray into the regulation of the financial services industry in “The Dick Durbin debit card fiasco.” Professor Epstein packs a lot of learning into a brief column on a complex subject. Durbin’s leading role in the drama could be written off to stupidity, but it is worse than »
Dick Durbin: Worse than stupid, part 2
A reader writes to comment on “Dick Durbin: Worse than stupid”: In the many times I’ve testified in the Senate, I’ve only been abused and mistreated once–by Dick Durbin. A bully and a thug, for sure. The House is sort of a circus, so you never know what might happen, but the Dems in the Senate have generally treated me with some degree of respect (after all, I’m testifying as »
Dick Durbin: Worse than stupid
John Hinderaker called out Dick Durbin for his stupidity in “Is Dick Durbin the dumbest Democrat?” Recognizing the intensity of the competition for the laurels, John left the question open, but he found Durbin definitely to be in the running. But Durbin is worse than stupid. He is a bully and a thug. As John recounted, Durbin has been sending out letters to anyone he has determined to have funded »