Search Results for: from the mixed up files of rep ilhan omar
June 23, 2019 — Scott Johnson

In their Ilhan Omar story today, Patrick Coolican and Stephen Montemayor refer repeatedly to Power Line as conservative. Let it be noted, however, that their story tacitly reveals the Star Tribune to be a pillar of Minnesota’s leftist/progressive establishment. Coolican and Montemayor note in passing (italics added): “Campaign e-mails disclosed by the campaign finance board also show a concerted effort to quash the Elmi story. An August 2016 internal e-mail
June 23, 2019 — Scott Johnson

In the matter of Minnesota Fifth District Rep. Ilhan Omar, my purpose in this series has been (1) to dig into the state campaign finance board investigative file made available to the media over two weeks ago, (2) to embarrass the Star Tribune into covering it, and (3) to attract the interest of others outside Minnesota to what appears to be a big story. In previous installments of this series
June 19, 2019 — Scott Johnson

In this series I have complained repeatedly of the Star Tribune’s noncoverage of the news about Ilhan Omar. There’s something about Ilhan! This morning the Star Tribune delivers what they seem to think is big news, courtesy of Washington bureau chief Patrick Condon: “Rep. Ilhan Omar, Valerie Castile call for federal ban on school lunch shaming.” Speaking of shame, I wonder about the Star Tribune. We learn from Erin Schulte’s
June 19, 2019 — Scott Johnson

This series has as its subject the intersection of press and politics in Minnesota. The politician is Ilhan Omar; the press is the Star Tribune. Yesterday I addressed a few basic questions to Star Tribune editor Rene Sanchez. Here is the message I sent, lightly edited to correct errors and add a page citation: Dear Rene: As of this afternoon, the Star Tribune has yet to run a single follow-up
June 18, 2019 — Scott Johnson

It was nearly two weeks ago that we learned Minnesota Fifth District Rep. Ilhan Omar filed joint tax returns in 2014 and 2015 with a man to whom she was not married — while she was married to another man. We have learned this thanks to the investigation conducted by the Minnesota campaign finance board of Omar’s 2016 campaign for the state legislature. The board has made its investigative file
June 17, 2019 — Scott Johnson

The Minnesota campaign finance board deposed Rep. Ilhan Omar in the course of its investigation of her use of campaign funds for personal purposes. I have posted the transcript on Scribd and embedded it below. I have separately posted the deposition exhibits here on Scribd. Executive director Jeff Sigurdson channeled Omar’s view of the underlying story at page 31 in this preface to a question: MR. SIGURDSON: More or less
June 16, 2019 — Scott Johnson

It is now 10 days since Minnesota Fifth District Rep. Ilhan Omar was found to have filed joint tax returns with a man to whom she was not married — while she was married to another man. Although the Star Tribune is proud of its editorial criticizing Omar, the paper has yet to run a single follow-up story on Omar’s misconduct. We know Omar filed the illegal returns for tax
June 14, 2019 — Scott Johnson

We continue posting items of interest from the Minnesota campaign finance board investigation of Ilhan Omar’s 2016 state legislative campaign. The board investigation coincidentally revealed that Omar had filed joint tax returns in 2014 and 2015 with a man to whom she was not married while legally married to another man. It is my goal to get some help in pulling on the threads that will unravel the story we
June 14, 2019 — Scott Johnson

It has now been a week since the Minnesota campaign finance board released its incendiary findings in the matter of Ilhan Omar’s 2016 campaign for the state house. The Star Tribune has published one story noting the board’s findings that Omar filed joint tax returns in 2014 and 205 with a man to whom she was not married while she was legally married to another man. Over what period of
June 12, 2019 — Scott Johnson

I wrote in part 2 this morning about the Omar campaign committee internal emails reflecting its deliberations on the crisis fomented by Power Line’s August 2016 post on Omar’s multiple marriages and her possible marriage to her brother in marriage number 2. I provided my take on the emails and quoted a few highlights. The emails are all dated August 14 and 15, 2016. They follow my initial August 12
June 12, 2019 — Scott Johnson

The marriage and divorce of Ahmed Nur Said Elmi (I refer to him as husband number 2) and Ilhan Omar was integral to the Minnesota campaign finance board investigation of Omar over the past year. As I note in part 2 of this series, the Star Tribune and other mainstream media outlets continue to take the Omar campaign’s minimalistic statements as the last word on her marital history. To this
June 12, 2019 — Scott Johnson

The Omar campaign committee produced internal emails reflecting its deliberations on the crisis fomented by Power Line’s August 2016 post on Omar’s multiple marriages and her possible marriage to her brother in marriage number 2. When I asked Omar about it by email on the Friday after her primary victory, I was provided a response via criminal lawyer Jean Brandl. The response was short on facts and long on imputations
June 11, 2019 — Scott Johnson

The story of Ilhan Omar’s joint tax filings with a man to whom she was not married while she was married to another man (assuming that marriage wasn’t void) is a big story. Omar is a national figure. The story reveals illegal conduct on Omar’s part. It raises related issues including the treatment of her marriage to Ahmed Nur Said Elmi as a sham. Omar has issued a vacuous statement
August 19, 2021 — Scott Johnson

Yesterday I wrote about the press release and web page on the investigation of Ilhan Omar’s 2009 marriage to her brother in “A tale of Minnesota crime & politics.” Toward the end of my post I noted Miranda Devine’s New York Post column on the investigation. Last night Devine appeared for a three-minute segment on Tucker Carlson Tonight. I have embedded a clip of the segment below. Daily Beast contributing
November 26, 2019 — Scott Johnson

For the past several weeks a deposition transcript has been floating around implicating Ilhan Omar as a Qatari asset. Bona fide news outlets have hesitated to report on the allegations without some confirmation. Now the Jerusalem Post has stepped forward to serve up the story without confirmation. Al Arabiya English does likewise here. A spokesman for Omar has dignified the story with an outright denial that is included by the
September 19, 2020 — Scott Johnson

Speaking at his rally in Bemidji last night, President Trump paid tribute to the journalism of David Steinberg on Ilhan Omar (video below). In July 2019 we published one of David’s most important investigative pieces under the heading “Tying up loose threads in the curious case.” Trump got it right: David deserves a Pulitzer Prize for his work exposing Omar. When I met briefly with President Trump about my own
August 14, 2019 — Scott Johnson

One of the most interesting threads left dangling in the curious case of Ilhan Omar is the one hanging from Wilecia Harris. Harris signed the 2009 marriage certificate for Omar’s marriage to Ahmed Elmi. With Harris’s signature the clock strikes 13 (or higher) in the Omar saga. As I noted in “Whence Wilecia?,” I posted the certificate and commented in it in part 3 and part 7 of my “mixed-up