Search Results for: ilhan omar

Ilhan Omar revisited

Featured image For some reason RCI has posted Martin Gould’s Daily Mail story “Ilhan Omar DID marry her brother and said she would ‘do what she had to do to get him ‘papers’ to keep him in U.S.,’ reveals Somali community leader.” It should be noted that Gould’s story is dated February 20, 2020, nearly five years ago. I met with Gould when he visited Minneapolis to report on Omar for the »

Mayor Frey on Ilhan Omar

Featured image Everyone knows Ilhan Omar is a vile ingrate and egregious liar, but these may be among her less detestable qualities. I had nevertheless yet to hear her called out in public by a prominent Minnesota Democrat in the fashion she was last night by Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey (video below). Frey’s condemnation of Omar reflects his personal experience and it is something more than the weak tea we have come »

In free lunch fraud, the friends of Ilhan Omar

Featured image We are in the early stages of the apparent USDA free lunch food fraud committed under the auspices of the Minnesota nonprofits including Feeding Our Future. So far, the FBI has unsealed three search warrants that have now been executed. The warrants and supporting affidavits lay out the (huge) underlying investigation along with the alleged facts of the case. The Center of the American Experiment’s Bill Glahn has posted a »

Ilhan Omar: Case closed

Featured image Ilhan Omar’s father was the late Nur Said Elmi. Omar has vehemently denied that Nur Said Elmi was his name because the name reflects the fraternal relationship of Ahmed Nur Said Elmi to her — Ahmed Nur Said Elmi being the younger brother she married for fraudulent purposes in 2009. Even though the marriage had long since served its fraudulent purpose(s), Omar didn’t get around to dissolving the marriage to »

An Ilhan Omar update

Featured image Ilhan Omar has attracted a few DFL opponents to her endorsement for her continued representation of Minnedota’s Fifth District. The Star Tribune’s Patrick Condon profiled one of them yesterday in “Democratic challenge materializes to Rep. Ilhan Omar.” I support Leila Shukri Adan in the DFL and wish endorsed GOP candidate Lacy Johnson the best in the election, but let’s get real. It’s a D+26 district, at least. I’m with Leila. »

Ilhan Omar remarries, AP edition

Featured image Amy Forliti is a reporter for the Associated Press in Minneapolis. She is a competent mainstream media journalist. Long after it could have had any bearing on Ilhan Omar’s election to Congress from Minnesota’s Fifth District in 2018 — i.e., long after the DFL primary — Forliti took a detailed look at the story that Omar had married her brother in 2009 for some dishonest purpose and only recently went »

Ilhan Omar remarries

Featured image Minnesota’s own Rep. Ilhan Omar announced on Instagram yesterday that she has remarried. She didn’t identify her new husband by name, but she was married to her own fundraiser, Tim Mynett. She put it this way: “From partners in politics to life partners.” Depending on how you count and whether you believe Omar’s 2016 account, it’s Omar’s second, third, fourth, or fifth marriage. The Daily Mail had staked out the »

American Ingrate: Ilhan Omar

Featured image I met up with the Federalist’s Ben Weingarten in Minneapolis this past fall when he was in the process of finishing American Ingrate: Ilhan Omar and the Progressive Islamist Takeover of the Democratic Party. With a foreword by Andrew McCarthy, the book is published in paperback today by Bombardier Books; it is available on Amazon at the link. Ben sent me and a few other students of Omar a copy »

Ilhan Omar: It’s a Zionist conspiracy!

Featured image Further responding in her own fashion to the Daily Mail story on her marriage to her brother, Ilhan Omar sinks ever deeper into the morass. She now finds David Steinberg guilty of “enemy collaboration” (with Israel?), connects him to the Murdochs, connects the Murdochs to the British tabloid press (apparently including the Daily Mail, controlled by Jonathan Harmsworth) and reveals…a Zionist conspiracy! Wow. Why is it always the Jews? This »

Daily Mail: Ilhan Omar married her brother

Featured image Is there anyone in the world who doesn’t know that Ilhan Omar married her brother in 2009? It has been my mission in life to get the word out over the past three and a half years. Today Martin Gould reports for The Daily Mail: “Ilhan Omar DID marry her brother and said she would ‘do what she had to do to get him “papers” to keep him in U.S.’, »

Ilhan Omar: The tabloid story, cont’d

Featured image Daily Mail reporter Martin Gould has been in town this week doing the work that the Star Tribune and the rest of the local press declines to do. I had lunch with him in Minneapolis on Wednesday to compare notes. He updates the tabloid elements of the Omar saga in “Ilhan Omar’s husband discovered she was cheating with her chief fundraiser when he walked in on the lovers lounging in »

Ilhan Omar Hates America

Featured image On Friday, Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib participated in a “radical democracy” event at Howard University in Washington. The YouTube video below shows Omar’s four-minute riff on the theme that everything that goes wrong in the world is America’s fault. Thanks to the Washington Free Beacon for bringing it to light. Omar’s blame-America-first ideology is comprehensive. Are there refugees in the world? It’s because of American foreign policy! Are »

Ilhan Omar, Dope

Featured image I have commented more than once that Ilhan Omar, while a remarkably arrogant person, is also a woman of very limited intelligence. To be fair, you could say that about a lot of liberals. But this tweet, issued by Omar yesterday, illustrates the point: What an important victory for the people of Minnesota! This is what happens when communities come together to oppose mining projects that will line the pockets »

Leila Adan: Ilhan Omar doesn’t represent us (the interview)

Featured image Chicago’s Morning Answer with Amy Jacobson and Dan Proft on AM 560 invited my friend Leila Adan to discuss her prospective candidacy for Minnesota ‘s Fifth District DFL congressional nomination (video below). Taking off from her Power Line post “Ilhan Omar doesn’t speak for us,” this terrific interview provides another side of the Fifth District (although I am afraid Leila overestimates the number of Jewish voters in the district). Leila »

Ilhan Omar: The PTSD of a clown

Featured image I have been following Rep. Ilhan Omar closely since she defeated a 22-term incumbent in the DFL primary to run for the state legislature representing the West Bank/Little Mogadishu neighborhood of Minneapolis in August 2016. The first time I became aware of Omar’s claim to be a victim of PTSD, however, was just last year, in Benjamin Wallace-Wells’s idiotic March 27, 2019 New Yorker profile. W-W snagged an interview with »

Leila Shukri Adan: Ilhan Omar doesn’t speak for us

Featured image The Washington Free Beacon’s Adam Kredo reports “Ilhan Omar Named 2019 Anti-Semite of the Year.” Following a public nomination and voting period, the organization recognized Omar for repeatedly spreading anti-Israel and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. My friend Leila Adan ([email protected]) is shortly to announce that she is opposing Omar for the Fifth District DFL congressional nomination. She wants it to be known that Omar does not speak for the Fifth »

Ilhan Omar: Errors & omissions, etc.

Featured image Working on the case of Ilhan Omar over the past three years, I have been most forcibly struck by what seems like her compulsive lying and the lack of reliable information about her background. Reporters repeat and reiterate her lies as facts. She is under the impression that she proceeds with immunity from the alternative of truth or consequences that most of us live with most of the time, and »