Search Results for: keith ellison

The Deep State, Keith Ellison, the Dumb Lummox and Tomorrow’s Debate

Featured image This morning I was on the drive-time Morning Answer, AM 560 in Chicago, with Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson. We had a wide-ranging conversation about the Democrats’ effort to insulate the executive branch against a Republican administration; the prospect of Keith Ellison becoming Attorney General; the possibility of “dumb lummox” Tim Walz becoming vice president; and strategies for tomorrow night’s presidential debate. It was a lot of content packed into »

Questions for Keith Ellison

Featured image Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison’s new memoir– Break the Wheel: Ending the Cycle of Police Violence — received glowing press in the days following its publication on May 23. The Star Tribune, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and NPR all lent a hand in the public relations for the book. Asking around among publishing sources, I am advised that Ellison’s book sold 410 copies in the first week »

Keith Ellison: The missing context

Featured image If Keith Ellison wins his race for reelection as Minnesota Attorney General it will be a sad day indeed. If he loses, he will be back. His lust for office is insatiable. Win or lose, history must be told. Ellison must be the single most unfit officeholder in the United States. The competition is intense, the contenders are many, but Ellison’s unfitness reigns supreme. That was the point of my »

How Keith Ellison fed our fraud

Featured image The nonfeasance of Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison led to the losses taxpayers sustained in the $250 million Feeding Our Future fraud, according to the Star Tribune story “Could Minnesota officials have stopped Feeding our Future fraud sooner?” The story by reporters Jeffrey Meitrodt and Ryan Faircloth essentially answers the headline question in the affirmative. The headline question should have been reformulated as a declarative sentence: Attorney General Keith Ellison »

Give Keith Ellison the Boot

Featured image As Scott has noted, this year’s election offers a real opportunity to end Keith Ellison’s disgraceful career in public life. In fact, the most recent poll shows Republican challenger Jim Schultz with a narrow lead over Ellison for Attorney General. I think all of Minnesota’s statewide races will go down to the wire this year. As always, the Democrats have a huge cash advantage. Political insiders say that Governor Tim »

Who is Keith Ellison?

Featured image Our friend Roger Kimball has tuned in to the trial of Derek Chauvin in a major way. Roger has accordingly noted the role played by Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison in the case, as he did in his current Spectator column “Justice for Derek Chauvin.” Last night Roger forwarded a message he had received in response to his column quoting one of Ellison’s two contributions to the University of Minnesota »

Keith Ellison for dummies

Featured image I wrote the Weekly Standard article “Louis Farrakhan’s first congressman” and wrote the companion Power Line post “Keith Ellison for dummies” in October 2006, when Ellison was on the verge of election to Congress representing Minnesota’s Fifth District. I was provoked to write these pieces by the poor job Minneapolis’s Star Tribune had done documenting Ellison’s troubling past. Indeed, I had been contacted by several prominent Democrats who had dealt »

Twin Cities Situation Deteriorating as Keith Ellison Fans the Flames

Featured image Twin Cities rioters and leftists are spreading a conspiracy theory: they claim that an agent provocateur, an undercover police officer, was the first to vandalize property in Minneapolis, and therefore the police are “really” responsible for the arson, looting, and so on now taking place. This is absurd, of course. But now Attorney General Keith Ellison, the state’s chief law enforcement officer, has signed on with the far-left kooks: This »

Keith Ellison’s “Minnesota Values”

Featured image Keith Ellison has released his campaign’s first internet video. It claims that Ellison embodies “Minnesota values,” and studiously avoids any reference to the many controversies swirling around him: his long-time advocacy for cop-killers, his multiple documented instances of domestic violence, his participation in the Nation of Islam and his anti-Semitism, along with more minor issues like his failure to pay taxes. Here is the video: Ellison says we need him »

Keith Ellison: No sale yet

Featured image A KSTP/Survey USA Poll gives us the first glimpse of the state of play in cop killer loving cum lawman wannabe Keith Ellison’s bid for Minnesota Attorney General. Only Republican candidate Keith Wardlow stands in his way. The poll results show a dead heat at 41 percent each. Democrats have held a lock on the office roughly since the memory of man runneth not to the contrary. While Republicans have »

Covering — or covering for — Keith Ellison

Featured image Star Tribune reporter Jessie Van Berkel purports to cover the words and deeds that should haunt Keith Ellison as he runs for the office of Minnesota Attorney General in “Keith Ellison faces and navigates controversy, again.” Ellison is unfit to serve in any high office, but he is particularly unfit to serve as the chief law enforcement officer of the state. Van Berkel’s article touches on the matters I document »

Will Keith Ellison Drag Down Minnesota Democrats?

Featured image Minnesota will be the eye of the hurricane in November, with two Senate races, at least four competitive House races, and the governorship at stake. The Democrats nominated their strongest candidate for governor, 1st District Congressman Tim Walz. But if Republicans have their way, Walz and all other Democrats on the ballot will be tarred by association with Walz’s de facto running mate, Keith Ellison. The national press is beginning »

Keith Ellison and Al Franken, compare and contrast [UPDATED]

Featured image Paul Kane of the Washington Post compares the reaction by leading Democrats to evidence of Keith Ellison’s domestic abuse with the reaction to evidence of Al Franken’s sexual touchings and harassment. He finds a disparity. In Franken’s case, Sen. Kristin Gillibrand forcefully called for an investigation by the Senate Ethics Committee within hours of the first accusation against the then-Senator. So did Sen. Kamala Harris. Both made it clear they »

Another Keith Ellison Sexual Assault Charge

Featured image A guy named Jeff Kolb, who is a city councilman in a Minneapolis suburb, has raised a new sexual assault allegation against Congressman, Deputy DNC Chairman and candidate for Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison. I have no idea how reliable Kolb is, but his tweets don’t seem to depend much on his own credibility. This is the first one, which includes a record of a 911 call in 2005. I »

The Latest on Keith Ellison’s Domestic Abuse Story [Updated]

Featured image Congressman, Deputy DNC Chairman and candidate for Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison has finally responded to the domestic abuse allegation by former girlfriend Karen Monahan: .@keithellison categorically denies #MeToo  assault allegations leveled against him by former girlfriend, allegations surfaced 2 days before critical primary in which Ellison faces competitive run for Mn Attorney General after giving up safe US House seat @wcco will have details — esme murphy (@esmemurphy) »

Democrat Primary Opponents Raise Domestic Abuse Issue Re Keith Ellison [Updated]

Featured image Twitchy has the story: a 25-year-old man did a lengthy Facebook post in which he claimed that Congressman, Deputy DNC Chairman and Minnesota Attorney General candidate Keith Ellison abused his mother, a woman named Karen Monahan: In the middle of 2017, I was using my moms computer trying to download something and I clicked on a file, I found over 100 text and twitters messages and video almost 2 min »

Can Keith Ellison Win?

Featured image More than anyone else, Scott has exposed the sordid past and current extremism of Congressman Keith Ellison. When Scott began that effort, I had no idea that Ellison would go on to become a leading figure in the Democratic Party, where he now serves as Deputy Chair of the Democratic National Committee. In a surprise move, Ellison has announced that he is leaving Congress to run for Attorney General of »