Search Results for: lies of obamacare
December 17, 2017 — Scott Johnson

The Washington Examiner’s Phil Klein has no brief for President Trump as a truth teller, but he has been provoked by the New York Times to come to Trump’s defense in one particular: The New York Times has published a story with an accompanying chart suggesting that while President Trump has told 103 falsehoods during his first 10 months in office, President Barack Obama told just 18 throughout his entire
October 27, 2016 — Scott Johnson

It should be a stunning fact that every proposition on which President Obama promoted the sale of Obamacare was a complete and utter lie. I tried to document the foundational lies and their close relations in the endless Power Line series “Lies of Obamacare,” featuring the thumbnail image of the man having Obamacare shoved down his throat. If politicians were subject to truth in advertising laws, Obama would be behind
September 4, 2016 — Scott Johnson

Stuart Varney demanded an apology from Obamacare architect and propagandist Ezekiel Emanuel last week on FOX News. The lies of Obamacare resume whenever Emanuel moves his lips, but there is therapetic value in Varney’s beatdown on Emanuel. Emanuel retorts: “Your memory is just so poor about how bad the system was before.” This isn’t good for my anger management therapy, but it is a healthy reminder, so to speak, of
March 28, 2016 — Scott Johnson

It should be a stunning fact that every proposition on which President Obama promoted the sale of Obamacare was a complete and utter lie. I tried to document the foundational lies and their close relations in the endless Power Line series “Lies of Obamacare,” featuring the thumbnail image of the man having Obamacare shoved down his throat. If politicians were subject to truth in advertising laws, Obama would be behind
May 17, 2014 — Paul Mirengoff

During last year’s budget negotiations, Senate and House Republicans warned that many Obamacare enrollees would provide false information about their income in order to obtain subsidies to which they are not entitled. In response, HHS Secretary Sebelius (remember her?) promised to put in place a system through which the government would thoroughly vet the salary information submitted by applicants for coverage. That promise was a predicate — or if you’re
May 16, 2014 — Scott Johnson

Reuters reports the filing of a notable Obamacare-related lawsuit against Blue Shield of California: Consumers who purchased new health plans from Blue Shield of California have sued the insurer, claiming they were misled into thinking the insurance would cover their desired doctors and hospitals. Reuters doesn’t bother to point out the similarity of the allegations against Blue Shield to Barack Obama’s incessantly repeated falsehoods promoting the enactment of Obamacare. But
April 21, 2014 — Paul Mirengoff

One of the supposed benefits of Obamacare was that, somehow, it would “bend the cost curve” for health care cost — in other words, slow the rate of growth of these costs. Just how providing subsidized health care to millions would accomplish this feat was never clear. But the claim, nonetheless, was part of the sales pitch. The claim has persisted since Obamacare was enacted. Supporters note that lately health
April 18, 2014 — Paul Mirengoff

President Obama says that 8 million people now have signed up for Obamacare. Apparently, the extension of the enrollment deadline helped boost the final figure to well in excess of the administration’s publicly declared target of 7 million. Obama also claimed that 35 percent of those who have signed up for Obamacare are younger than age 35. However, that number includes children. The key figure in terms of Obamacare’s viability
April 16, 2014 — Paul Mirengoff

High among the list of Obamacare’s most embarrassing failures is the fact that it will not meet its stated purpose of reducing to a low level the number of Americans who lack health insurance. This goal was the justification for the massive disruption of the health care system that Obamacare has imposed. The millions and millions of Americans who will lose their health insurance plan and/or their doctors, and/or will
March 27, 2014 — Scott Johnson

Obama and the Democrats enacted Obamacare on a foundation of lies — you can keep your health insurance, you can keep your doctor, Obamacare will save the average family $2500, and all the rest. Now the lies just keep coming. This week brought us the extension of Obamacare open enrollment beyond the legal deadline of March 31 by administrative fiat, despite the recent denial by Queen Seeb and others (video
March 19, 2014 — Scott Johnson

You may recall that while selling the federal takeover of health care President Obama repeatedly promised “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period.” It was one of the foundational lies of Obamacare, and Obama smugly repeated it on many occasions in a tone suggesting that those who denied it were beyond the pale. The video below collects several iterations of Obama’s lie. [jwplayer file=””] The lie
February 24, 2014 — Scott Johnson

Noemie Emery questions the legitimacy of Obamacare in the public mind based on the procedural chicanery through which it became law in the face of the opposition it faced. Her article is “A slight case of bastardy.” It elaborates on points made elsewhere by others in a useful and thought-provoking way. Emery does not mention any of the foundational lies of Obamacare that have been central to this series, but
February 7, 2014 — Scott Johnson

In the new issue of the Weekly Standard, Christopher Conover delivers “An Obamacare report card.” Among other things, it collects key promises made by President Obama to sell Obamacare. In the first part of the article Conover compiles eight such promises and grades Obama’s performance on each. With one exception, it’s lies all the way down: the grades range from F (seven) to Incomplete (one). Here is Conover’s net assessment
January 26, 2014 — Scott Johnson

Scott Gottlieb and Megan McArdle are two of the must-read commentators on Obamacare. On January 15 they held down the pro side of a debate on the proposition: “Resolved: Obamacare Is Now Beyond Rescue.” McArdle wrote about the debate in her Blooomberg column here. Jonathan Chait (the inspiration for what I once dubbed “Chaitred”) and Douglas Kamerow held down the con side (no pun intended). Chait wrote about the debate
January 19, 2014 — Scott Johnson

Web security expert David Kennedy appeared before a House Committee this past week to testify on the security flaws of The Washington Free Beacon has posted a good account of the hearing here. According to Kennedy, site security is a joke. Chris Wallace devoted a segment of Fox News Sunday to the issue with Kennedy this morning. The entire segment was riveting because it contrasted Kennedy’s comments with the
January 14, 2014 — Scott Johnson

Yesterday the Obama administration — Queen Seeb — announced the Obamacare enrollment figures through the end of December. Michael Shear and Robert Pear report the numbers here for the New York Times; Amy Goldstein and Sandhya Somashkehar report the numbers here for the Washington Post. In a graphic the Times states: “Nearly 2.2 million people picked a health insurance plan through the exchanges established by the Affordable Care Act through
January 6, 2014 — Scott Johnson

Nancy Pelosi famously asserted that “we have to pass [Obamacare] so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.” This much is true: we had to pass Obamacare to find out the biggest lies told on its behalf. Each of the foundational lies of Obamacare — if you like your health insurance you can keep it, if you like your doctor you