Search Results for: twitter files
September 25, 2023 — John Hinderaker

This Real Clear Opinion Research survey has disquieting news about Americans’ tolerance of censorship. Carl Cannon comments on the results, including the partisan breakdown. Suffice it to say that not many Democrats are going to the wall for free speech these days. But I want to comment on just one aspect of that survey: It is remarkable that the number of people who think the government should censor “hateful posts
June 8, 2023 — Scott Johnson

Racket News has unlocked Andrew Lowenthal’s column “Twitter Files Extra: How the World’s ‘No-Kidding Decision Makers’ Got Organized.” Subhead: “The Atlantic Council is hosting its 360/0S Summit at RightsCon this week, and Twitter Files documents tell us more about how this VIP-room-within-a-VIP-room was formed.” Lowenthal describes himself as a writer and consultant focused on digital authoritarianism and civil liberties. He manages the Network Affects site on Substack and now works
May 1, 2023 — Scott Johnson

I have tried to keep the numbering of this series compatible with the series itself as posted to Twitter Files. I might otherwise pass over the twenty-first installment of the series — “How to find Russians anywhere.” This thread was written by Matt Orfalea together with his colleague Matt Taibbi (per tweet number 26) and is accessible via the the tweet below. The thread now consists of 27 tweets that
April 26, 2023 — Scott Johnson

I have tried to keep up with the Twitter Files in this series of notes to which I have added a separate series of footnotes. I think the revelations of the Twitter Files are the biggest story out there. The silence of the mainstream media in the story is certainly suggestive. Andrew Lowenthal has now added a twentieth installment of the Twitter Files in a 36-part thread he calls “The
April 25, 2023 — Scott Johnson

If you’ve been following our coverage of the Twitter Files, or following the Twitter Files themselves on your own, you know that Hamilton 68 was an offshoot or tributary of the Russia hoax. Here is a contemporaneous 2017 Reuters story on the launch of the Hamilton 68 site. It may seem obscure, but Matt Taibbi has just posted the useful video companion below depicting MSNBC repeating Hamilton 68 lies 279
April 17, 2023 — Scott Johnson

Tucker Carlson has tweeted two brief video clips of his interview with Elon Musk. The clips are a preview of coming attractions. The interview is to be broadcast tonight and tomorrow night. In one of the clips, Musk reveals what he has learned from his perch as the new owner of Twitter: “The degree to which various government agencies effectively had full access to everything that was going on at
April 8, 2023 — Scott Johnson

Mehdi Hassan hosts a weekly show on MSNBC. I hadn’t heard of him or it until Matt Taibbi previewed his appearance on the show in the entertaining post “Eat me, MSNBC,” originally titled “MSNBC sucks.” Hassan invited Taibbi to appear on the show and, in the event, subject himself to attacks that I found to be astounding in their substantive irrelevance, triviality, and error. In his preview Taibbi explained: “I
April 3, 2023 — Scott Johnson

Michael Shellenberger touches on several of the most important themes that emerge from the Twitter Files in the interview with Joe Rogan that RealClearPolitics has posted here (with transcript). Shellenberger is one of the journalists who participated in the excavation and reporting of the Twitter Files. It is useful to have his assessment of the findings, among which is this: Over time we kept finding all these weird, “Oh, FBI
March 20, 2023 — Scott Johnson

In the nineteenth installment of the Twitter Files, Matt Taibbi has posted a 45-part thread. It can be accessed via the first tweet in the thread below. 1.TWITTER FILES #19The Great Covid-19 Lie MachineStanford, the Virality Project, and the Censorship of “True Stories” — Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) March 17, 2023 In this installment the authorities confront a crisis of disbelief in the teachings of Lord Anthony Fauci. As President
March 11, 2023 — Scott Johnson

Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger are two of the journalists who have participated in the Twitter Files project. They testified at the Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on the Twitter Files conducted by the House Judiciary this week. I posted the text of Taibbi’s statement here yesterday. The New York Post has adapted Shellenberger’s statement in “‘Censorship-industrial complex’ uses gov’t power to threaten democracy.” Shellenberger testified: The
March 10, 2023 — Scott Johnson

I think the Twitter Files revelations are the most important story out there. Yesterday morning journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger testified at the Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on the Twitter Files conducted by the House Judiciary Committee. This was Taibbi’s opening as posted at his Racket News site (C-SPAN video of the hearing is posted below in its entirety — Taibbi’s statement begins at about
March 3, 2023 — Scott Johnson

Matt Taibbi has now contributed thread number 17 to the Twitter Files series beginning with the tweet below. The thread comes in 50 parts that can be accessed here. 1. TWITTER FILES #17New Knowledge, the Global Engagement Center, and State-Sponsored Blacklists — Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) March 2, 2023 Taibbi has separately summarized each of the 17 threads here at his Racket News site. He summarizes the current installment as
February 21, 2023 — Scott Johnson

Steve Krakauer is the author of Uncovered: How the Media Got Cozy With Power, Abandoned Its Principles, and Lost the People, published today by Hachette. Fox News has posted his column on the suppression of the New York Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop and James Clapper’s claptrap on behalf of the Deep State 51 leading the charge. Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler took Clapper’s claptrap at face value. Kessler
February 20, 2023 — Scott Johnson

Matt Taibbi has contributed another installment of the Twitter Files. It can be accessed via the first tweet in the 17-part thread below. TWITTER FILES #16Comic Interlude: A Media Experiment — Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) February 19, 2023 Taibbi noticed the studied silence of the bigfoot press about the revelations of the Twitter Files so far — until last week. Something happened. 4. Then House hearings were held last week,
February 19, 2023 — Scott Johnson

The current issue of Imprimis carries an adaptation of John Daniel Davidson’s February 7 Hillsdale College lecture on the Twitter Files. The title of the lecture is “The Twitter Files Reveal an Existential Threat.” Davidson begins with a point I have made several times in my own comments on the Twitter Files: Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter last October and the subsequent reporting on the Twitter Files by journalists Matt
February 18, 2023 — Scott Johnson

With a little help from Andrew McCarthy I wrote about former New York Times investigative reporter Jeff Gerth’s four-part Columbia Journalism Review retrospective on the bigfoot media’s promotion of the Russia hoax in “The deep meaning of ‘no comment.'” Aaron Maté took up Gerth’s series in the February 15 RCP column “Unchastened by Russiagate, the NY Times Doubles Down in Its Special Counsel Coverage.” Now Maté has interviewed Gerth in
February 16, 2023 — Scott Johnson

The Twitter Files lie at the intersection of the law enforcement and national security establishment, the bigfoot press, social media, and the Democratic Party. Reporter Matt Taibbi has immersed himself in the Twitter Files courtesy of Elon Musk. By my rough count, Taibbi has posted 10 or so of the 15 Twitter Files threads so far. Taibbi has also compiled a summary of each of the threads here at his