Last spring, I wrote extensively about Dawn Johnsen, President Obama’s aggressively radical nominee to head the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel. Here, for example, is a piece I wrote for the Washington Times.
To my surprise, the Democrats have thus far been unable to steer Johnsen’s nomination through the Senate. Thus, she remains in limbo.
To pass the time, Johnsen has decided to teach a course at Indiana University’s law school, where she is a faculty member. This decision can be interpreted as a sign that Johnsen is not expecting to be confirmed very soon. On the hand, the “classroom” portion of her course apparently ends in mid-October, when the students will shift to completing a research paper. I guess students are no longer expected to attend class while in the process of writing papers.
The course Johnsen will teach is called “Sexuality, Reproduction and the Law.” In her course description, Johnsen says: “We will focus on regulation aimed at sexual activity, reproduction and sexual orientation. . . .” Last I heard, except for folks who are into rape, sex with animals or offspring, or paying for sex, there isn’t very much remaining regulation aimed at sexual activity, reproduction, or sexual orientation.
Maybe that’s why the course only runs until mid-October.
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