We’ve written about Obama administration green jobs commissar Van Jones as a Communist in the White House. Jim Hoft posts the video of Jones unburdening himself before a friendly audience without inhibition. Jones gives new meaning to the term vulgar Marxist.
Now courtesy of Breitbart.tv and Naked Emperor News we have Jones explaining the deep meaning of the Obama administration’s devotion to “green jobs.” The goal of green jobs is complete revolution step by step away from gray capitalism until the forces of oppression are overcome. The video concludes with a tribute to Jones from Obama alter ego Valerie Jarrett.
Thank you for the explanation, Comrade Jones.
UPDATE: Jim Hoft also notes that Comrade Jones appears to be a 9/11 Truther. He’s the kind of guy Bill Clinton has previously said should be ashamed of himself (“how dare you?”), on that ground alone.
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