Global warming alarmist Stephen Schneider gave a press briefing in Copenhagen today. No one was impolite enough to remind Schneider of the days when he claimed the world was about to be destroyed by global cooling, but Phelim McAleer, who made the documentary Not Evil, Just Wrong about climate hysteria–he was, I think, giving hoaxers like Schneider too much credit–showed up to ask a question about Climategate.
Schneider’s response, suggesting that the emails that were leaked by a whistleblower might have been “edited,” was wholly disingenuous. A considerable number of the emails were Schneider’s, so if they were somehow inauthentic, he certainly could have said so. But, of course, he didn’t. In fact, as the University of East Anglia has explicitly admitted, and Phil Jones has implicitly admitted, they are genuine. Which means that Schneider had nothing whatsoever to say in response to McAleer’s question.
Except to call security and make McAleer’s cameraman stop filming, even though the event was ostensibly a press briefing open to the media:
Global warming hysteria isn’t science, it’s politics. And totalitarian politics at that.
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