Democrats are generally high-minded–can’t we all just get along?–until they are in danger of losing. Then the truth comes out. Loretta Sanchez is a liberal California Democrat who poses as a moderate. This year, she faces a strong challenge from Republican Van Tran. Sanchez’s polling must be turning negative, because she has launched–in Spanish–a racist attack against Van Tran and his supporters.
Prepare to be disgusted as you see this liberal Democrat fire up her Spanish-speaking base by telling them that “the Vietnamese and the Republicans are trying to take away this seat.”
It will be interesting to see whether a single prominent Democrat will denounce, or even distance himself from, Sanchez’s racism. My guess is that the number of Democrats who do so will be zero. If that is the case, what can we conclude about the Democratic Party, historically the party of slavery and Jim Crow?
You can follow the link above to contribute to Van Tran’s campaign.
UPDATE: This story is starting to trickle out, as the Orange County Register covered it, and now the Associated Press has taken notice.
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