On Tuesday, we linked to a New York Times story captioned “Obama Message In Flux As Election Day Nears.” The Times criticized President Obama for trying out one ineffectual campaign theme after another. Near the end of the article, the Times quoted Democratic strategists James Carville and Stanley Greenberg, who wrote a “polling memo” to the effect that Obama should switch to a more effective message:
Mr. Carville and the Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg went further in their criticism in a polling memo over the weekend, writing that Mr. Obama was too focused on the wrong underlying argument. They say he could help win over undecided voters with a promise to change Washington on behalf of the middle class and to oppose Republicans who support tax breaks for big companies that export jobs.
It didn’t take long for Obama to follow wherever the polls may lead. Today, the Associated Press reported on the President’s Saturday radio address: “Obama: End tax breaks to stop overseas hiring.”
End tax breaks that reward some U.S. companies with overseas subsidiaries and encourage those businesses to create jobs in other countries, President Barack Obama is telling Congress. …
Obama singled out Republican opposition….
How pathetic! This is what “hope and change” has come to: a poll-driven political hack, willing to adopt any demagoguery urged upon him by the likes of James Carville, waving survey results from last weekend.
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