The Obama administration has a message for the world. The message is something along these lines: The United States is very bad, but Barack Obama is very good. He seeks to redeem America from its evil.
Eye on the UN has compiled the disgusting video below of the United States abasing itself before some of the most reprehensible regimes in the world. I believe this is what goes under the name of “smart diplomacy” in the Obama administration.
The video depicts in condensed form the three-hour appearance of the United States in the dock at the UN Human Rights Council to present its first-ever universal periodic review report and receive recommendations for improvement from council members. Eye on the UN’s Anne Bayefsky explained at the time that 56 countries lined up for the opportunity to have at the U.S. representatives, many standing in line overnight for the opporunity to be near the top of the list. Making it to the head of the line were Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, Iran, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and North Korea.
Assistant Secretary of State Michael Posner made an appearance to play his designated role demeaning the United States on behalf of the Obama administration. Posner replied “thanks to very many of the delegations for thoughtful comments and suggestions” shortly after Cuba said the U.S. blockade of Cuba was a “crime of genocide,” Iran “condemned and expressed its deep concern over the situation of human rights” in the United States, and North Korea said it was “concerned by systematic widespread violations committed by the United States at home and abroad.”
Carl in Jerusalem aptly comments: “The key foreign policy goal of the Obama administration is to destroy the notion that America is an exceptional nation, and to cut it down to the same size as brutal dictatorships around the world. Trying to cut down America’s most feisty ally by forcing it into a situation where it will have to fight for its very existence is part of the same ‘strategy.'”
It should be noted that the formal response of the United States to the constructive criticisms tendered by the likes of Cuba and Iran is posted here.
UPDATE: Steven Den Beste thanks Obama almighty and comments: “When I read about this, it reminded me of the movie Becket, which begins with Henry II submitting himself to a ritual flogging by Catholic priests, as penance for the murder of Thomas Becket.”
And Allahpundit tweets: “Stick with [the video] at least until North Korea starts to speak.” Good advice, if you’re not struggling with anger management issues!
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