Today’s Los Angeles Times features a profile of the would-be Portland bomber named Mohamed Mohamud. Those of us wondering how the Mohamud family was admitted to the United States, or how Mohamud came to swear fealty to the United States and become a naturalized citizen, will have to look elsewhere for an answer. The best the Times’s two reporters could come up with is this: “He and his parents, Mariam and Osman Barre, came to America when he was 5 as part of a diaspora that brought tens of thousands of Somali refugees to U.S. cities. About 6,500 Somalis are said to live in the Portland area.” Well, thanks.
Over the weekend we learned from the local press that Mohamud was known as one of “the three Mohameds” in a local group of friends who shared the first name and Islamic religious beliefs. Today we learn from the Times that his American friends called Mohamud “Mo.” I guess that makes three guys named Mo and a nascent musical with the show-stopping number “I Just Met a Law Named Sharia.”
That would explain how Mo could swear to defend the Constitution while hating the United States, as Mo’s classmate Andy Stull told Portland’s NewsChannel 8. “The main thing was the way he said he hated Americans,” Stull said. “It was serious. He looked me in the eye and had this look in his eye, like it was his determination in life — ‘I hate Americans.'” Now that we have lots of guys named Mo, it probably makes sense to wonder how many of them share this Mo’s “determination in life.”
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