Federal Judge Henry Hudson ruled this morning that Obamacare is unconstitutional because the federal government has no authority to require citizens to buy health insurance or pay a penalty. Multiple lawsuits over the Democrats’ health care bill are pending in different venues–Judge Hudson sits in Virginia–and presumably it will be years before a final decision comes out of the Supreme Court, assuming the law remains in effect.
The main impact of today’s ruling, and any similar future rulings, likely will be to keep the issue of repeal alive. Scott Rasmussen finds that support for repeal has risen to 60 percent, with only 34 percent opposing repeal. The Democrats assumed, I think, that if they rammed Obamacare down our throats in spite of the bill’s well-known unpopularity, it would become a fait accompli and voters would become resigned to it. So far, at least, that hasn’t happened, and adverse rulings like Judge Hudson’s will add fuel to the pro-repeal fire.
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