We learned last week that the radio show Brian Ward and I host on AM 1280 the Patriot is coming to an end. The station has sold our 12-1 hour on Saturdays to someone who is willing to pay for the privilege of broadcasting. They are working on selling the 11-12 hour and expect to do so within the next few weeks. Apparently the amount the station can command by filling the time slot with infomercials exceeds the advertising revenue for our show, even though our ratings have been good. Very good, if you take into account our zero budget and the station’s erratic signal, and add those who listen on the internet.
But that’s how it goes. Our relationship with WWTC has always been a marriage of convenience; no money ever changed hands. Because they didn’t pay us, the station never told us what to do. It’s been a remarkable thing, over the last five or six years, to be able to commandeer a radio station for two hours a week to do whatever we wanted. I’ve often said that everyone should have a radio show.
There is a great deal I will miss about being on the Patriot. Because of our involvement in local politics and connections made through this web site (along with a certain amount of chutzpah on our part) a remarkable succession of guests appeared on our program. The opportunity to interview authors, politicians and others was great, and I often podcasted those interviews as well. I will, of course, miss our annual appearances at the Minnesota State Fair.
The 12-1 hour is already gone, but this morning I will do a farewell show from 11 to 12, central time. Brian is too brokenhearted (or ticked off at the Patriot, I’m not sure which) to appear, but I will do a one-hour show to say goodbye to our listeners and leave them with some final thoughts.
There is an outside chance that the show might be reincarnated on another station. Most likely, though, it will be time to turn the page on this aspect of our civic involvement.
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