In my experience, both violent rhetoric and racism are primarily found on the left–I am tempted to say, almost exclusively on the left. So scenes of liberals behaving badly shouldn’t come as any surprise. If you haven’t already seen it, this video by Christian Hartsock was shot at the Common Cause rally in Palm Springs. The demonstrators–mostly the usual suspects who were bused in–protested a meeting that was being held by Charles and David Koch. Hartsock describes the event at Big Government.
We were then ushered outside to the parking lot across from the hotel in which the Koch brothers were holding a meeting, whereupon we were encouraged to yell at the building, decrying not only the Kochs, but Justices Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia for their Citizens United ruling. Oh, and Fox News while we were at it.
We were joined by at least half a dozen busloads of public sector union members and common demonstrators from AFFCE, The Ruckus Society, 350, Greenpeace, Code Pink, and the Progressive Democrats of America, among others, without whose valuable contributions to the yelling, the rally would’ve been just a lousy bust. Video camera in hand, I purposely engaged them to get beyond their programmed talking points, only to find some rather colorful agenda items – particularly for Justice Thomas.
Here is the video:
To some degree, Hartsock egged on the leftists by pretending to be one of them. But there is no way to sugarcoat the crude hate that these liberals displayed.
This is, of course, exactly the kind of footage liberals have hoped to get at Tea Party rallies for the last year and a half. They have failed, because this kind of hate-mongering is pretty much unknown among conservatives.
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