Yesterday, Scott Rasmussen released one of his periodic surveys on which party voters trust more on the issues. It is a 1,000 likely voter survey, and therefore deserves to be taken pretty seriously. Currently, voters trust Republicans over Democrats on nine of the ten most significant issues. The only exception is Social Security, which is a tie:
At the moment, the GOP’s key advantages are the economy (47-39), taxes (48-37) and national security (53-34). My sense is that the voters are mostly ahead of Congressional Republicans these days. Republicans should take heart from surveys of this sort. The voters elected them last November, knowing what the Republicans’ platform was. Voters prefer Republican approaches because they want the federal government cut down to size, they want the hemorrhaging of debt to stop, or at least slow down, and they want priority given to America’s security, not to pleasing others who probably don’t have our interests at heart anyway. How tough is that to figure out? Republicans in Washington need to roll up their sleeves and do everything they can to push the agenda they ran on in November.
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