Green Loser of the Week

Very tough competition for this week’s Power Line Green Loser of the Week Award.  Are you ready for the complete disappearance of the Arctic ice cap this summer?   That’s what NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally predicted back in 2007.  From National Geographic:

This week, after reviewing his own new data, NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally said: “At this rate, the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free at the end of summer by 2012, much faster than previous predictions.”

Stay tuned.  I’m sure Dr. Zwally or his successors at NASA will be able to explain next fall why it didn’t happen, but why we should still believe them about everything else.  (Hat tip to WattsUpWithThat for the screen shot.) But this week’s prize really ought to go to the hydrocarbon deniers who produced the video below, moaning about the Canadian tar sands.  If this is the quality of protest ballad coming from the hydrocarbon deniers, then they’re about washed up.  Watch it all the way through if you can bear it. [jwplayer file=””] I’m curious how the creative process for this video went down.  Maybe something like this:

“Hey, I know, let’s do a YouTube video–you know, those neat internet things hosted at Google’s big energy-sucking server farms located close to coal-fired power plants, that people can look up on their computers and mobile devices wholly dependent on the fossil-fuel electricity grid!”

“Yeah, yeah–and we can show cool pictures of people protesting the Keystone pipeline at the White House–the protest that people came in for from all over the country on jet airplanes, cars, and diesel trains!  Yeah!  That’s the ticket.  That’ll show ’em how highly our consciousness has been raised!”

Where is South Park when you need them?


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