One might expect that a graduation ceremony from kindergarten would be a cheerful event, if a school bothered to put one on at all. Not so in Gaza, apparently. A teacher at the school pictured below said:
In every year’s kindergarten graduation ceremonies we focus on the children to represent the role of struggling and resistance in the way of Allah, in order to establish this path, and grow up to love the resistance, and for it to have a prominent role in their lives to serve the cause of Palestine and Holy Jihad, as well as to make them leaders and fighters to defend the holy soil of Palestine.
The kids get into the spirit of the occasion:
One child, Hamza, wearing the uniform of the Al Quds Brigades of Islamic Jihad and carrying a wooden weapon, said “I love the resistance and the martyrs and Palestine, and I want to blow up the most Zionists in a process of martyrdom and kill them.”
Here are some photos from the event.
What kindergarten event would be complete without coffins?
Here a boy dressed as an Israeli soldier pretends to torture a Palestinian:
There are lots more photos at this jihadist web site. These kids appear to have jailed some Israelis:
Here you can see the kids’ parents enjoying the event:
The girls carry weapons, too:
The words “cycle of violence” are often used in connection with the Middle East, usually in a way that is inapt. Here, however, I think we are indeed seeing the beginning of another cycle.
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