Julia grew up, got married, and became a Republican

A new Washington Post/ABC survey shows that Mitt Romney has a huge lead over President Obama among married women. The Hill has the details:

Married women are strongly backing Mitt Romney, 55%-40%, over Barack Obama.

Compare that with 2008 exit polls when Obama won married women with children, 51%-47%, while McCain won married women with no kids 53%-44%.

Romney’s 15% margin soundly beats both numbers.

That 15% is identical to George W. Bush’s 2004 performance when he beat John Kerry among married women, 57%-42%, so there’s good precedent for Romney with his current margin.

Overall, Obama’s current lead among all women (49%-43%) is thanks to his huge lead with unmarried women, 57%-32%.

But note: That’s a smaller 25% lead than Kerry’s 29% win with single women in 2004.

So among both married and single women, Obama is doing worse than John Kerry.

Thus far, the so-called “war on women” isn’t leading to any stronger a gender gap than in previous, close elections.

And the so-called “gender gap” is about something other than gender.

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