He Is the Change

My 2012 book of the year is Charles Kesler’s I Am the Change: Barack Obama and the Crisis of Liberalism (along with Jean Yarbrough’s Theodore Roosevelt and the American Political Tradition). Kesler is professor of government at Claremont-McKenna College and editor of the Claremont Review of Books, the flagship publication of the Claremont Institute.

I wish the 2012 election had rendered Charles’s book obsolete and moved it toward the remainder bin. Instead it is the book of the hour to help us understand the pressing political phenomena with which we must continue to reckon.

Professor Kesler is now also holding down the fort at The American Mind (sign in here), the institute’s new video interview project. Who better to interrogate Professor Kesler about his book than our own Steve Hayward?

[jwplayer file=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5MTm_gcVfw&feature=youtu.be”]

Steve draws out Professor Kesler on the book in part 1 of the interview above, followed by part 2 and the remaining segments in the sidebar at the link. We look forward to presenting future installments of Professor Kesler’s American Mind interviews on Power Line as soon as we can work out the arrangements with our friends at the institute.

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