It was hot in Washington, D.C. yesterday. Unfortunately, some Democrats couldn’t just sit back and enjoy it. The Hill reports:
House Democrats on Wednesday pointed to today’s record-setting heat in Washington D.C. as the latest sign that the Earth is warming.
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) managed a speech on the House floor in which several Democrats joined to say that Congress needs to find a way forward on climate change in light of the growing number of incidents of extreme weather, which included Hurricane Sandy last year. …
Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) also cited today’s weather as a bad sign.
“In Memphis, it does occasionally get hot, but it also does in Washington. I think it’s supposed to be 90 today,” Cohen said.
Apparently no one has explained to these Democrats that the law of conservation of energy dictates that if it is unusually warm in one place, it will be unusually cold somewhere else. The warm spot isn’t evidence of global warming, any more than the cold spot is evidence of global cooling. If I sound testy about this, it is because where I live, in a Minneapolis suburb, we got six inches of snow this morning, with more coming down. This is what my yard looks like:
No global warming here. Unfortunately. And it isn’t just Minnesota; it was only 39 degrees in Arlington, Texas yesterday, the coldest temperature ever recorded at the start of a Rangers game.
Back in D.C., the Democrats had the House chamber to themselves as they whined about the heat:
Blumenthal said he invited House Republicans to join his floor discussion on climate change, but said no Republican accepted.
I suppose that is because the Republicans were sensible enough to enjoy the day by going golfing.
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