The Gang of Eight’s Bill Will Never Become Law

Not unless House Republicans have completely taken leave of their senses, in which case, for the first time in my lifetime, talking about a new party won’t be crazy.

As many flaws as the Gang’s bill has, we can never repeat too often that it is fundamentally misconceived in a manner that cannot be made right with a fence or even with improved interior enforcement, valuable as those things may be in their own right. The fundamental problem with the bill is what it does with legal immigration. Instead of reforming our Ted Kennedy-inspired, irrational 60s-era immigration regime, it perpetuates it and even makes it worse. Thus, the Bill authorizes somewhere between 30 million and 60 million new legal immigrants over the next ten years, 90% of them low-skill and low-wage. The Democrats hope this will create a mammoth and permanent underclass that will be forever dependent on government for security, and will reliably vote Democrat for generations. Certain business interests hope the bill will deal a crippling blow to America’s working class, driving down wages and providing an inexhaustible supply of cheap labor.

That isn’t admirable, but it makes a certain kind of sense. And we know that Democrats are contemptuous of blue-collar workers and don’t care what happens to them. Cheaper household help for bicoastal liberals? What’s not to like? But why should Republicans acquiesce in this vicious assault on America’s working class?

I am not sure why more Republicans haven’t joined in Jeff Sessions’ lonely crusade to expose the deeply misguided, if not malignant, heart of the Gang’s legislation. On this issue, as on several others over the last few years, Sessions has been the bellwether. Today he spoke at length against the Gang’s bill. In this brief excerpt, he sounded what I think (and Sessions thinks) is the most important theme: the bill was crafted by special interests to serve the Democratic Party and certain narrow economic interests by driving down the wages of America’s blue collar workers:

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Let’s hope House Republicans are listening.

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