The Obama administration is supporting Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood in the current crisis of the regime. That is my reading of Elise Labott’s CNN story and Matthew Lee’s AP story on the administration’s position. The Obama administration has supported the Muslim Brotherhood right along. See, for example, the Daily Beast article by Josh Rogin and Eli Lake documenting the administration’s “revisionist history” of Obama’s approach to Egypt.
Jeffrey Goldberg asks how the United States lost the Egyptian people. Goldberg frames the question this way:
How exactly did the U.S. come to be seen by Egyptian secularists and liberals as the handmaiden of a cultish fundamentalist political party whose motto includes this heartening sentiment: “Jihad is our way, and dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope”?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind coming out of the White House. Barry Rubin has been paying attention. He shows how American policy has backed the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
The Investigative Project on Terrorism finds American Islamists rallying in support of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood has an impressive American infrastructure lending support. Most impressive, however, is the support from the man at the top.
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