Oh goody: Obama is having direct communications with Iran. I’m sure Assad is getting a good chuckle out of this. And no doubt it will end well.
And given that Obamacare is the health care equivalent of Jimmy Carter’s energy plan—you know, the one that promised affordable and independent energy for Americans—can Obama’s “malaise” speech be long in coming? Given the historical ignorance of Obama and his speechwriting staff—“peace in our time,” the big O said in his 2nd inaugural—I doubt they even know about the malaise speech. Or if they do know about it, they’ve drunk the revisionist Kool Aid that it was in fact a great speech.
Given all the media potentates who have been dumping on Obama recently, I’m looking forward to the person in the media who delivers the beatdown that Ken Bode (a liberal) dealt to Carter after the “malaise” speech in 1979:
The past two weeks will be remembered as the period when President Carter packed it in, put the finishing touches on a failed presidency. . . It’s over for Jimmy Carter. He needed a new image, so he took the advice of his pollster, his ad man, and his wife and wound up immobilizing his own government, imperiling the American dollar on the international market, and looking more than ever like a crude, erratic, unstable amateur. . . The Carter administration has simply imploded, collapsed inwardly under the weight of its own incompetence.
Sounds pretty much like right now, doesn’t it?
And I’ll bet there are some swamp rabbits lurking on Obama’s favorite golf courses, too.
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