Working a new twist on an old phenomenon, the Palestinian ambassador to the Czech Republic died today in an apparent work accident. The AP reports:
The Palestinian ambassador to the Czech Republic died Wednesday in a blast that occurred when he opened an office safe that had been sealed for at least 30 years, officials said.
Ambassador Jamel al-Jamal, 56, was at home with his family at the time of the explosion, according to Palestinian Embassy spokesman Nabil El-Fahel. Al-Jamal was seriously injured and rushed to a hospital where he died, according to police spokeswoman Andrea Zoulova.
Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki said no foul play was suspected, noting that the safe hadn’t been opened in at least 30 years. It was recently moved from an old embassy building.
“The ambassador decided to open it. After he opened it, apparently something happened inside (the safe) and went off,” Malki told The Associated Press.
It was not immediately clear how Malki knew the safe hadn’t been opened in at least 30 years or why the safe would have contained explosives.
The Palestinian Foreign Ministry has announced that it would send a delegation to Prague “to help with the investigation,” but you get the feeling that some mysteries are destined to abide.
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