Karl Rove demolished former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland on Fox News Sunday this morning in the course of responding to Strickland’s critique of Governor Christie and Bridgegate. Rove concisely demonstrated Strickland to be a critically flawed messenger of the Democratic Party talking points on Christie. Though it’s rare to find a Democrat shamed into silence — they have so much margin for error provided by their media enablers — I would be surprised if Strickland undertakes this particular mission again.
[jwplayer file=”http://youtu.be/2gMHeNhhWoI”]
Via Washington Free Beacon, which has the transcript and a link to the underlying story.
UPDATE: Glenn Reynolds makes the larger point: “Strickland can go on about ‘Bridgegate,’ but it was his own people who broke the law to circulate dirt on Joe The Plumber in 2008, solely because he dared to ask Obama a tough question. This little bit of thuggery involving abuse of power, corrupt officialdom, and intolerance for dissent turned out to prefigure the Obama Administration quite accurately.”
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