Green Weenie of the Week: Germany’s Energiewende Uber Alles

Germany is as monomaniacal about its green energy nonsense as it has been about every other fanaticism that has overtaken its senses in the past. The good folks at the NoTricksZone bring to our attention the German effort to encourage people to turn out the lights when having sex so as to . . . save electricity:

Germany’s Ministry of Environment headed by socialist Barbara Hendricks has produced a series of video clips aimed at getting citizens to save energy, and thus do the climate good at the same time.

One clip shows a teenage girl coming home late one evening, quietly tip-toeing past the open door of a lit up living room, only to awkwardly catch her parents in the act. Embarrassed, the daughter turns off the lights.

A voice comes on:

The world says thanks. 5% less energy consumption in German households makes one coal power plant redundant. Together it’s climate protection.”

Some readers may ask if it’s customary for Germans to do it fully dressed. According to the video, it seems so. Perhaps the German Ministry of Environment has also decreed sex only in unheated rooms.

You have to see the TV spot in order not to believe it:

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There’s more at the NoTricksZone report, but this is quite enough to give the Germans a coveted Power Line Green Weenie Award.

Green Weenie poster copy

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