In his rock-star tour of the Left Coast this week (except for the BLM groupies doing a poor rendition of the Pointer Sisters of the Left in Seattle), among Bernie’s “home run lines” is the chestnut: “Men, stand with the women and demand pay equity. There is no defensible reason why women are making 78 cents on the dollar. That has got to change.”
Perhaps Bernie could start with his own Senate office? As The Free Beacon reported last year:
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), who caucuses with the Democrats, was the worst of the gender pay gap offenders in the previous analysis. He remains near the bottom of the list, with the average female salary $21,730 lower than the average salary received by men in his office.
Oops. To paraphrase Glenn Reynolds, pay equity is for little people.
I’d be curious to see the pay scales for his campaign staff. Whaddyawanna bet that. . .
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