As another Dartmouth alum, I want to add a few comments to Scott’s post earlier this morning. This video shows some of what happened when Black Lives Matter protesters invaded Baker Library, screaming profanities and insults at students who were trying to study:
[jwplayer file=”″]
But it doesn’t show everything. I have it on good authority that at least one woman was slapped and spat on in addition to being insulted by the protesters.
Dartmouth’s administration, meanwhile, appears to be in full cover-up mode. The article in the Dartmouth that Scott linked to includes this absurdity:
At a community discussion in Cutter-Shabazz on Monday night, several students voiced concerns over portrayals of Thursday’s protest, particularly in The Dartmouth Review and on Yik Yak.
Vice provost for student affairs Inge-Lise Ameer was in attendance at the meeting, and she apologized to students who engaged in the protest for the negative responses and media coverage that they have received.
“There’s a whole conservative world out there that’s not being very nice,” Ameer said.
Right. Watch the video and see whether you can identify any conservatives “not being very nice.” The vice provost’s reaction borders on the insane, but it previews an unwillingness by the administration to do anything about this shocking misconduct on the part of 100 or more of its students.
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