Regrets, Clinton style

The mind-boggling story of Hillary’s Clinton’s use of a private email server to conduct official business during her tenure as Secretary of State tells us over and over again why Clinton is unfit to hold any office involving public trust. She is oblivious to any interest but her own and unconstrained by any fidelity to facts. She lies with pathological abandon.

Will she ever be held to account by a competent journalist, let alone law enforcement, for her exposure of highly classified information to hostile powers resulting from her use of the server? The odds are not good. On Meet the Press this past Sunday, for example, Chuck Todd could only rouse himself to ask her: “Are you concerned?”

Once upon a time not so very long ago, Clinton described her use a private, insecure email system while secretary of state as “an error in judgment.” During CNN’s town hall, however, she declined to go so far. Now she says she didn’t do anything wrong.

On Tuesday in Iowa Clinton met with the editors of the Quad-City Times. One of the editors quizzed Clinton about the apparent contradiction. She explained that the contradiction was only seeming. She hadn’t really done anything wrong; she was sorry if she upset you. “Well — you know — look,” she explained, “I just think it was a mistake because it’s caused all this uproar and commotion.”

PJ Media’s Debra Heine provides this transcript (audio below):

QUAD-CITY TIMES: “So it was a mistake because of the reaction”


QCT: “Not because it would have made sense to use a work email for work purposes?”

CLINTON: “It made sense – look, look – I know that this remains a subject of some interest, obviously. You’re asking me, they asked me last night. The facts have not changed. …”

Clinton added that “it was a mistake” because she had to “go through all of this” and she didn’t “want to go through it. I don’t want to put a lot of my friends through it.” Because she’s just that kind of person.

Listen to her tone of voice and the audacity of her lies. Now hear this:

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