The United Kingdom suffers from immigration issues similar to those that afflict the United States. As a member of the European Union, it is obliged to accept large numbers of unskilled immigrants who find not only Britain’s wages, but also her welfare system, much superior to those in their own countries. Immigration is one aspect of the debate now raging over whether Britain should withdraw from the E.U. (“Brexit,” as it is commonly called).
On BBC’s Question Time, a 16-year-old girl named Lexie Hill took on Environment Secretary Liz Truss, who claimed that the government’s proposed deal to remain in the EU will reduce immigration pressures. Miss Hill argued for withdrawal from the EU and a merit-based immigration system that would serve Britain’s interests. While there are various differences between Britain’s situation and ours, the girl’s common sense is luminous compared with the obfuscation that so often surrounds discussion of immigration. Plus, Lexie is fun to listen to–it must be the accent. Here she is, the clip is brief:
Maybe we could bring Miss Hill to the U.S. and offer her a cabinet position.
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