Those darned “Minnesota men”

The case against four “Minnesota men” who sought to join ISIS is set for trial in Minneapolis before Judge Michael Davis on May 9. Judge Davis still has to decide pending severance motions that may affect the date in some of the cases, but trial approaches. Five of the “Minnesota men” have pleaded guilty.

The government has a strong case against the four remaining defendants. The strength of the government’s case led to the guilty pleas of the five who now await sentencing, which is another story.

Yesterday the prosecutors disclosed some of the evidence it seeks to introduce at the pending trial, and those darned “Minnesota men” appear once again in the headline over the AP story without the ironic quotations marks I put around the phrase: “Feds: Minnesota men spoke of terrorist attacks in US.”

Which was the point of my Weekly Standard article, linked in the first paragraph above. Those of us who call the place home are a little concerned about what happens when these guys and their friends choose to take up the jihad without the inconvenience of prior departure.

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