In the video below (warning: adult language) characters who are advertised as “the world’s biggest celebrities” (don’t ask me) urge those who take their cues from morons to “save the day” (November 8) to vote against Donald Trump. The death of Leni Riefenstahl has clearly left a great void. The artistry behind this particular video does not exactly incite a passion to join the crowd or celebrate the triumph of the will. On the contrary, it prompts one to reflect on the triumph of the witless. Take it as a sign of the times, or of the end times. I’m not sure which.
[jwplayer file=””]
On a personal note, I do recognize Martin Sheen, and I go back all the way with him to The Subject Was Roses. To borrow a phrase, what a long, strange trip it’s been.
Quotable quote: “A racist abusive coward who could permanently damage the fabric of our society.”
Via Stephen Green/InstaPundit and Nathan Lichtman/PJ Media.
JOHN wonders: Are these people really famous? I think I recognized one of them. If Hillary is counting on this to put her over the top, I suspect she will be disappointed.
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