Are All Liberals Rude and Arrogant?

Perhaps not, but it often seems that way. Vice President-Elect Mike Pence is in New York, working with Donald Trump on staffing their new administration. He took last night off to see the popular Broadway musical “Hamilton.” When he and his family took their seats, some in the crowd booed–although, to be fair, it sounds to me as though more applauded:

The real outrage came at the end. As Pence got up to leave, one of the “Hamilton” cast members read a deeply offensive statement attacking the Trump administration on behalf of the play’s supposedly “diverse” cast. I doubt, of course, that the cast has any diversity at all. If it includes any conservative members, they remained silent. As the actor delivered his smug, superior attack on the incoming Trump administration, most of those in the audience applauded and cheered enthusiastically:

It used to be said that when a political party suffered a crushing electoral defeat, a period of introspection was appropriate. Don’t try to tell that to today’s Democrats. They have learned nothing, and, in their arrogant presumption, they have no interest in learning anything.

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