The Democrats are worried, and justifiably so, that African-American voters aren’t supporting Hillary Clinton and other Dems to same extent that they backed Barack Obama. Actually, the Democrats are frantic about this.
Thus, Benjamin Barber, a top Democratic donor has been caught on camera attacking non-compliant African-Americans during a fundraiser. The video comes via Project Veritas Action.
Barber had this to say:
Have you heard of the Sonderkommandos? Jewish guards who helped murder Jews in the camps. So there were even Jews that were helping the Nazis murder Jews!
So blacks who are helping the other side are seriously f**ked in the head. They’re only helping the enemy who will destroy them.
Maybe they think ‘if I help them we’ll get along okay; somehow I’ll save my race by working with the murderers.
Or maybe they think that, given how the African-American community fares under Democratic rule, the Democrats are a bit like prison guards (though certainly not Nazis).
We are indebted both to Project Veritas Action and to Mr. Barber for this glimpse into the mind of the Democratic left. The public can decide who is “f**ked” in the head.”
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