David Rutz’s supercuts video of MSNBC’s Chris Matthews extolling the gospel of Barack Obama over the past eight years serves a serious purpose (below). It is illustrative of the media’s slobbering love affair with Barack Obama — a love affair rivaled only by Obama’s love of himself. It reminds us of the media’s incredibly low state. Rutz recalls: “Such was Matthews’s love for Obama that he thanked Superstorm Sandy for coming along in 2012 and helping the president’s successful reelection bid[.]”
This suggests another point. Obama incarnates the devout leftism that works as a substitute religion for these people. Matthews puts it this way: “The biblical term for it, since we’re in a biblical era, is deliverance.” Matthews is a believer spreading Obama’s gospel.
In June 2008 in St. Paul, Obama foretold his messiahship when he proclaimed victory in his quest for the Democratic nomination: “[W]e will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless…this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal…”
Instead of laughing at Obama’s pretense, Matthews and his colleagues heard the call. He became a disciple.
Which brings me to a final point. To put it somewhat tactfully, these people are not as smart as they think they are.
[jwplayer file=”https://youtu.be/SFjOqrVF6OM”]
Quotable quote: “He’s done everything right.”
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