W atching President Trump’s speech to the joint session of Congress this past Tuesday evening, one could not help but be struck by the reactions of the Democrats. As Trump hewed closely to a largely patriotic and inspirational tone, he sowed confusion. They went in thinking that their hysteria would carry the day, but nothing in Trump’s performance supported them.
They didn’t know quite how to react. Their confusion was visible. Roger L. Simon, Tom Lifson, George Neumayr and James Freeman do an excellent job capturing this aspect of the event.
Anyone who has a heart must have been moved by President Trump’s recognition of Carynn Owens in connection with the death of her husband on the special operations mission in Yemen. Mrs. Owens made it an unforgettable moment in her silent testimony to her late husband.
According to some observers, Florida Rep. and former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Minnesota’s own Rep. and current DNC deputy chair Keith Ellison remained staid and seated (I don’t know when the screenshot below was snapped). Even Schultz and Ellison must have felt some appropriate emotion. They didn’t want to let their friends and supporters down, however, and they were therefore determined not to show it. For them it’s all politics all the time, and the politics long ago descended into indecency. That’s my guess.
UPDATE: A commenter links to this CNN interview with Schultz including video showing Schultz and Ellison standing. I regret the error. On Twitter Benny Johnson stands by his original observation on Twitter (below), but it’s not exactly as I implied above.
Proof that DWS & Ellison stood for the first ovation & not for the 2nd. As I clearly tweeted: Check for yourselfhttps://t.co/LraFf628HM pic.twitter.com/CIV6sOAjyU
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) March 1, 2017
MORE: Matt Vespa has more in “Sorry, Liberals, Ellison and DWS Remained Seated During Roughy Two-Minute Standing Ovation Honoring Fallen Navy SEAL’s Widow.”
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