President Trump has decided to withdraw the United State from the Paris Agreement on climate change. Politico asserts that the move “is certain to infuriate America’s allies across the globe and could destabilize the 2015 accord.” America’s allies, however, won’t be as infuriated as America’s mainstream media, though withdrawal will undoubtedly constitute another count in the Democrats’ list of high crimes and misdemeanors supporting Trump’s impeachment.
Politico helpfully explains:
The agreement calls on countries to aim to limit global warming to “well below” 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit from pre-industrial levels, and it said countries should “pursue efforts” to keep temperature increases to 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit. Under a business as usual scenario, global temperatures could rise by between 4.7 degrees Fahrenheit and 8.6 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century, according to the United Nations, an increase that would have catastrophic consequences.
These people are nuts.
Politico’s overheated report cannot be attributed to global warming. It reflects the Resistance. At the moment it doesn’t even bother to note that Trump promised to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement in the course of the campaign. Withdrawal reflects the fulfillment of a fundamental campaign promise.
I thought that Secretary Mattis tactfully previewed Trump’s fulfillment of this promise in his interview with John Dickerson this past Saturday for broadcast on Sunday. Mattis conveyed Trump’s detachment from the project: “I was sitting in on some of the discussions in Brussels, by the way, where climate change came up, and the president was open, he was curious about why others were in the position they were in, his counterparts in other nations.”
May the undoing of the Obama era continue. It cannot go too far.
JOHN adds: This is fantastic news. Trump is doing an excellent job of fulfilling his campaign promises. Now Congress, the weak link, needs to get with the program.
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