Belief in Islam is a necessary condition of radicalization into Islamism. What is termed radical Islam or Islamism represents a form of Islam. It is a form of Islam with which we cannot live.
When we heard the first reports of the terror attack in London yesterday, there was little room for doubt that the attackers were Muslims celebrating Ramadan. We probably didn’t need to hear that one of the attackers proclaimed “This is for Allah” as he did his dirty work. His declaration was aimed at the slow learners in the audience.
Today Prime Minister May declared that “It is time to say ‘enough is enough.'”. It’s actually past time, but it’s a reasonable statement.
Prime Minister May added: “[W]hen it comes to taking on extremism and terrorism, things need to change.” Although some proposals are implicit in her statement, she does not seem entirely clear on what needs to change. It has something to do with preventing and mitigating “Islamist extremism.” So we have that much to go on.
How is it to be defeated? “It will only be defeated when we turn people’s minds away from this violence and make them understand that our values – pluralistic British values – are superior to anything offered by the preachers and supporters of hate.”
Prime Minister May is not alone in the indirection of her diagnoses and proposals. Most of us are long gone into the self-censorship and shibboleths imposed by the forces of political correctness.
Whether the London Bridge attackers turn out to be “homegrown” or foreign, whether they are Muslims of the first, second or third generation in Britain, the problem they represent is entirely imported.
Though our problem in the United States is less severe than Britain’s, the same obtains here. We continue to import a steady stream of Muslim refugees and immigrants who compound the severity of the risk we face. Can’t we at least turn off the spigot?
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