On Tuesday, while Hurricane Harvey’s devastation was at its peak, President and Mrs. Trump paid a visit to Texas. Appropriately, they avoided areas where active rescue operations were in progress, and focused rather on meeting with state and local authorities to make sure that hurricane responses were appropriately coordinated. Democrats wrongly, but inevitably, criticized the president for not meeting with more flood victims and not showing more “empathy.”
Today, President Trump took the Left up on its invitation. He and Melania traveled to Texas once again, this time to meet with victims and pledge federal aid. It was a golden opportunity for feel-good moments and photo-ops. Here are just a few images that have made the news:
The President arrives in Texas and greets Governor Abbott, who is wheelchair-bound after a freak accident when he was 26: while out jogging, a tree fell on him. Does Trump hate disabled people? Seemingly not:
Donald and Melania Trump proceeded to meet with hurricane victims at various shelters and so on. The president displayed all the empathy the Left demanded, and more.
But wait! Doesn’t the president hate black people? Apparently not:
Weird. If you didn’t know better, you would think Melania doesn’t hate black people either.
What else have we got? Donald and Melania serve meals to people made homeless by Harvey:
Here’s more. President Trump serving food to people displaced by the hurricane:
We could keep this going for a long time:
But that’s enough for now. The point is, the Left tries to portray President Trump as a hater. There is no basis for this smear. In fact, as we all know, hate resides mostly on the Left, and liberals’ hysterical antipathy toward our president is a good example. Hurricane Harvey has provided, with the Left’s urging, an excellent opportunity for President and Mrs. Trump to display their empathy for all Americans, of all races. Which, no doubt, is not what the disaster-loving Left had in mind.
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