In the aftermath of the assault by Rene Boucher ( “the leftist next door”) on Sen. Rand Paul, Boucher’s lawyer claimed that politics played no part in the attack. I put no stock in public statements by attorneys defending their clients. However, there were also reports about landscaping dispute, and suggestions that Sen. Paul is not a good neighbor.
Even if these reports were true, it wouldn’t mean that Boucher’s attack lacked political motivation. Disputes among neighbors are common. Sneak attacks on neighbors who are mowing the lawn are not. Couple this reality with the strident leftism Boucher has expressed, and it’s almost certain that — landscaping dispute or not — politics animated the assault.
In any event, Paul Bedard of the Washington Times appears to have debunked claims that Paul was a bad neighbor. Seven of Paul’s neighbors say that the Pauls are friendly homeowners who kept their property tidy. This comment was typical:
The Paul’s landscaping looks just like everyone’s place in Rivergreen. Wish I could get him to cut my lawn. As a friend, neighbor and senator, Rand has been first class in every way.
What I find amazing is the fact that he cuts his own grass. Our neighborhood is fortunate that the Paul’s live here.
Another neighbor said:
Speculation regarding Boucher’s motive has led to an unfair characterization of the Pauls and their home. The Pauls are and always have been great neighbors and friends. They take pride in their property and maintain it accordingly. Rand has enjoyed working on and maintaining his lawn for as long as I have known him.
According to Bedard, all seven neighbors expressed shock at the attack on Paul as he was doing yard work and dismissed reports that it was the result of poor landscaping.
Boucher’s attack is shocking, but less so if one reads his political rants and understands the direction in which the American left is heading.
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