Al Franken is not just a national story. He is a major Minnesota story. Sometimes it feels like everything’s happening here, that we’re at ground zero of the suicide of the West. If not exactly at ground zero, we are in the vicinity of the intersection of liberal media, liberal governance, liberal social policy, liberal fatuity and liberal preening. It is suffocating.
Al Franken is a major Minnesota story not only because he’s a Minnesota senator, but also because he reflects poorly on us. We elected him. He has us sized up to be fools. Now we are beginning to wonder whether he has us sized up right.
We are not happy with him. Observe the diplomatic note of skepticism that has crept into the Star Tribune’s most recent Franken editorial. Franken’s apology, the editors of the Star Tribune declare, has “fail[ed] the candor test.”
If I had ever advised my high school Latin teacher that the dog ate my homework, that is one thing he would never have told me. He would not have have instructed me that I had failed the candor test. Much as he loved Latin’s contribution to English, he was not a practitioner of circumlocution.
In Minnesota we could use an artist — we could use anyone, but especially someone with wit and guile — to pierce the fog and tell the truth. Someone like the artist formerly known as Sabo. Identified as UnsavoryAgents by KTLA 5, Sabo is the creative force behind the alteration of a billboard to add Franken doing his thing (below). In the most recent update on the story, Franken has been removed from the billboard.
Sabo, do you make house calls? Come to Minneapolis. We need you. And when you’re done with Franken, we have much more material for you to work with.
The leering likeness of Sen. Al Franken grabbing at a woman loomed over morning commuters on the 10 Freeway
— KTLA (@KTLA) November 30, 2017
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