I watched NBC’s broadcast of the Golden Globe awards last night with morbid fascination to soak in the self-love and the self-praise of the Hollywood crowd. The hours spent in psychotherapy seem to have paid off big league, though introspection was nowhere in evidence. The sexual harassment panic featured as a motif. My favorite moment was Halle Berry’s appearance as a presenter in the obligatory black gown with the voluntary exposure of cleavage. BET has fittingly honored Ms. Berry’s appearance in the headline “HOT MAMA!” (emphasis in original).
Taking the show as a whole, I particularly appreciated the groupthink masquerading as dissent. It’s the one art form in which the ladies and gentlemen of the entertainment industry consistently excel.
Appearing toward the end of the broadcast for those with a pain threshold high enough to make it that far, Oprah Winfrey received the Hollywood Foreign Press Association’s Cecil B. DeMille award for outstanding contributions to the world of entertainment. Her speech seemed to convey the message that she has decided to move on from entertainment to politics. Her demeanor was stern and angry. She was not oozing the usual love or compassion. Indeed, she inflicted suffering on the likes of me. The implicit politics of her speech were all of the identity persuasion. She might be able to make Hollywood great again.
NBC anticipated Oprah’s appearance in the tweet below. I don’t know if NBC was declaring its support for Oprah’s possible candidacy. That “OUR” is ambiguous. It could refer simply to the leadership of NBC rather than to the highest office in the land.
Nothing but respect for OUR future president. #GoldenGlobes pic.twitter.com/h4hkjewu0K
— NBC (@nbc) January 8, 2018
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